释义 |
boot I. \ˈbüt, usu -üd.+V\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English boote, bote, from Old English bōt remedy, compensation; akin to Old High German buoza change for the better, Old Norse bōt remedy, compensation, Gothic bōta advantage, gain, Old English betera better — more at better 1. archaic a. : help or relief especially in time of peril or great want : deliverance b. : a person or thing that brings such help 2. now chiefly dialect : something to equalize an exchange < give me your sow and a $10 boot or the trade is off for the heifer — Frank Neefe > 3. obsolete : profit or advantage towards the accomplishment of an end : avail, use < then talk no more of flight, it is no boot — Shakespeare > • - to boot II. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English booten, boten, from boote, bote intransitive verb archaic : to be of help, profit, or advantage : avail < it boots not to look backwards — Thomas Arnold > transitive verb obsolete : benefit, enrich III. noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French bote 1. a. : a covering for the foot and leg that is usually made of leather or rubber and is of varying height between the ankle and hip b. Britain : a shoe reaching to the ankle c. : a rubber overshoe 2. : an instrument of torture applied to the leg and tightened so as to crush the leg and foot 3. : a sheath or casing resembling a boot that provides a protective covering for the leg: as a. obsolete : a piece of leg armor b. : a partial covering for the hoof and leg of a horse designed to prevent injury from interference c. : the feathers on the shank and toes of certain domestic fowls d. : the part of a stocking between the top and the foot e. : a canvas or skin mitten used to protect the feet of working dogs from snow or ice 4. : a protective sheath or casing typically of an object or part resembling a leg: as a. : the sheath near the uppermost leaves on the stems of grains and many palms that encloses the inflorescence which swells within it b. : the metal casing and flange fitted about a pipe where it passes through a roof c. : the box or compartment that contains the reed of a reed pipe of an organ d. : a large thick patch for the inside of a tire casing 5. a. obsolete : a built-in compartment on a horse-drawn coach used originally as a seat for the coachman and later for storage b. Britain : the storage compartment at the rear of an automobile : trunk 6. : a usually leather article that resembles a boot: as a. : a leather drinking vessel b. : a leather carrying case for a rifle < with the adoption of the bolt-action Krag … a long boot came into use, covering the entire carbine, up to the stock — W.F.Harris > c. aeronautics : a pneumatic rubber cell or tube used for deicing a wing or tail surface 7. a. : the box in which the lower pulley of a grain elevator runs b. : the chamber and housing at the base of a bucket elevator 8. a. : a blow delivered by or as if by a booted foot : kick b. : a usually unexpected and often rude discharge or dismissal — often used with the < she gave him the boot and married another man > < he got the boot after 14 years and had to find a new job > c. : pleasure or enjoyment especially of a momentary sort : bang, kick < I get a big boot out of his jokes > 9. : a fumble in baseball 10. a. : a recruit undergoing basic training in the United States Navy or Marines b. : novice, trainee, apprentice 11. in glass manuf : a clay receptacle suspended in the nose of a tank furnace to exclude scum and to allow working of the glass without direct contact with heat and gases 12. : a drain cock in the bottom of a tank car or oil tank IV. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English booten, from boot — more at boot III transitive verb 1. a. : to put boots on (oneself or another) b. : to supply with boots < this firm … has booted and spurred every British monarch from George II on — New Yorker > 2. a. : to send off or propel with force : kick b. : to eject or discharge summarily — used often with out < he has been quietly booted out as chief — Newsweek > 3. : to make an error on (a baseball batted on the ground) : fumble < he booted an easy grounder and another run scored > 4. slang : to ride (a horse) in a race < after a 24-year career in which he booted home nearly 150 stakes winners > intransitive verb : to put on one's boots V. noun (-s) Etymology: boot (I) (influenced in meaning by booty) archaic : booty, plunder VI. \ˈbüt\ verb (boot·ed ; boot·ing) Etymology: short for bootstrap (herein) transitive verb 1. : to load (a program) into a computer from a disk 2. : to start or ready for use especially by booting a program — often used with up < boot up a computer > intransitive verb 1. : to become loaded into a computer's memory from a disk < the program boots automatically > 2. : to become ready for use especially by booting a program < the computer boots quickly > — often used with up • boot·a·ble adjective |