

单词 bottom
释义 bot·tom
I. \ˈbäd.əm, -ätəm\ noun
Etymology: Middle English botme, from Old English botm; akin to Old High German bodam bottom, Old Norse botn, Latin fundus, Greek pythmēn, Sanskrit budhna
 a. : the under surface as opposed to the top surface : the side lying underneath : underside
  < the bottom of a box >
  < the bottom of a plank >
 specifically : the underside on which a thing normally stands or rests
  < the bottom of a vase >
 b. : a surface facing upwards (as the seat of a chair or the floor of a room) and designed to support something resting on it or to serve as a functional termination of the thing of which it forms a part
 c. : the posterior end of the trunk : buttocks, rump
2. : the continuous and gently curved or somewhat flat surface (as of earth, sand, or rock) on which a body of water (as a river, lake, or sea) lies : bed
 < the ship sank to the bottom of the ocean >
3. obsolete : a very deep place : abyss
 a. : the hull of a boat; especially : the part of the hull that lies below the water
 b. : boat, ship — used chiefly of cargo ships
  < cargo … carried by foreign bottoms — Virginia A. Oakes >
  (1) : the lower or lowest part as opposed to the upper or topmost part
   < at the bottom of the mountain >
  (2) : the lower or lowest section, point, region, or level
   < the bottom of the page >
   < the bottom of the graph >
   < traveling to the bottom of the world >
   < starting out on his career from the bottom >
  (3) : the worst possible level (as of misery, destitution, or degradation)
   < falling to the bottom of disillusionment >
 b. : the farthest removed or inmost point of a recess
  < sailing to the bottom of the bay >
 c. : a position marked by the least dignity or honor
  < demoted to the bottom of the ranks >
  : the lowest or last place in point of precedence
  < marching at the bottom of a procession >
  (1) : the undermost part of the sole of a shoe; especially : the part of the sole extending from the breast of the heel to the toe
  (2) : the lower part of a garment or a garment worn on the lower part of the body; especially : the trousers of pajamas — usually used in plural
 e. : the card at the bottom of a deck of cards
  < he cheated by dealing bottoms >
 f. : the last half of an inning of baseball
6. : low-lying land; especially : low-lying grassland and fields along a watercourse — usually used in plural
 < the Mississippi river bottoms >
7. obsolete : clew 1
 a. : something used underneath or as if underneath another thing to support and strengthen it or to give it an advantageous point from which to develop : foundation, basis
  < the bottom of a hypothesis >
 b. : a solid underlying structure (as of a work of literature) marked by unity and a convincing acceptance and interpretation of reality : substance
  < their writing lost all grip and bottom — Van Wyck Brooks >
9. : intrinsic nature : essence : basic character : heart, center, source
 < the bottom of the trouble lay deeper — G.M.Trevelyan >
 < he tackles problems, tries to get to the bottom of them — H.A.Overstreet >
 a. : a heavy residuum of impure metal (as in copper smelting)
 b. : a residue left in a still (as in refining petroleum)
11. : vigorous physical qualities combined with stamina : capacity to endure strain : spirit — used especially of horses and dogs
 < a breed of dogs outstanding for bottom >
12. : the main plowing mechanism of a plow comprising the moldboard, share, frame, and landside
13. Australia : a gutter in mining
14. : a color applied as a foundation before the dyeing of textile fibers

- at bottom
- at the bottom of
- at the bottom of one's heart
- from the bottom of one's heart
- from the bottom up
II. verb
transitive verb
1. : to furnish (as a chair or shoe) with a bottom
2. obsolete : to wind up (as a ball of thread)
3. : to provide a foundation for : base, found, establish — usually used with on or upon
 < men who wanted to bottom the dreams of the Romantics on a solid basis — Bonamy Dobrée >
4. : to bring to the bottom
 < they bottomed the submarine on the ocean floor >
5. : to get to the bottom of : figure out : plumb, fathom
 < a mystery they hadn't bottomed >
6. : to treat with a foundation hue or a mordant preparatory to dyeing
 < cloth may be bottomed with a pale shade of indigo >
 a. : to underrun (as a gold deposit that is to be worked by the hydraulic method) with a level for drainage
 b. : finish
  < bottom a borehole or shaft >
 c. : exhaust
  < bottomed the ore in the mine >
intransitive verb
1. : to rest as an ultimate support : become based or grounded — usually used with on or upon
 < find on what foundation any proposition bottoms — John Locke >
2. : to reach the bottom : strike against the bottom
 < bottoming on the bed of the sea >
specifically : to touch bottom so as to impede free action (as when the point of a gear tooth strikes the bottom of a space between two other teeth, a piston strikes the end of a cylinder, or a die forces material solidly into a matrix in coining)
3. : to develop a turf — used of a grass
4. botany : to develop a bulb or similar enlargement
Synonyms: see base
III. adjective
 a. : of, relating to, or situated at the bottom
  < bottom rock >
 b. : lower or lowest
  < the bottom part of the building >
  < bottom prices >
 c. : frequenting the bottom
  < bottom fish >
2. : fundamental, basic
 < the bottom reason >
 < bottom ideas >
IV. noun
: the bass or baritone instruments of a band
V. intransitive verb
1. of a security market : to decline to a point where demand begins to exceed supply and a rise in prices is imminent — usually used with out
2. : to reach a point where a decline is halted or reversed — usually used with out
VI. adjective
: having a quantum characteristic that accounts for the existence and lifetime of upsilon particles and that has a value of zero for most known particles
 < bottom quark >




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