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box I. \ˈbäks\ noun (plural box or boxes) Etymology: Middle English box, from Old English, from Latin buxus, from Greek pyxos 1. : an evergreen shrub or small tree of the genus Buxus; especially : a widely cultivated typically large shrub (B. sempervirens) that is extensively used for hedges, borders, and topiary figures because of its slow growth and compact habit — see boxwood 2. Australia a. : any of several trees of the genera Alyxia, Eucalyptus, Tristania, and Murraya which have timber resembling boxwood b. : native box II. noun (-es) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, from Late Latin buxis, from Greek pyxis, from pyxos boxtree 1. a. : a rigid typically rectangular receptacle often with a lid or cover in which something nonliquid is kept or carried < shoe box > < money box > < take along a box lunch > b. : something constructed of a flat bottom and four upright solid sides (as the carrying part of a wagon) < a box of growing seedlings > < playing in the sand box > < the box of a pickup truck > : frame, flask 2 c. : the contents of a box as a measure of quantity < 5 cents a box > d. : a closed receptacle to hold contributions (as of money, letters, ballots) e. Britain : the money contained in a box : fund f. : the driver's seat on a carriage or coach g. slang : guitar, banjo, fiddle 2. Britain : a gift (as at Christmas) in a box < have you given the postman his box > — see boxing day 3. a. in a theater : a space with chairs enclosed by partitions except toward the stage < the royal box > also : the occupants of such a space < a favorite of the boxes > b. : a group of spectator seats in a grandstand enclosed by railings c. : a railed or partitioned enclosure provided for the jury or for witnesses in a courtroom d. : a space partitioned off in a tavern or public eating house : booth e. : box stall; also : horse box 4. a. : a closed case or container for storing or shipping merchandise or belongings b. Britain : trunk 5. a. : a boxlike protective covering, housing, or mechanical part (as for a bearing or bushing) < gear box > < journal box > b. : an apparatus (as for sending a signal or fire alarm) with its enclosing case < police box > c. : the receptacle for a shuttle at the end of a loom lay 6. : a square or oblong division or compartment: as a. : any of the compartments in a type case b. : a cell or pigeonhole in a wall or rack for holding mail : post-office box 7. : a square or oblong hollow space or recess: as a. : a recess cut into a tree to collect sap or resin b. : the part of a window frame for sash windows in which the weight to counterpoise the sash moves up and down c. : a recess in a window trim into which the shutters may fold d. : a socket on a doorjamb for the bolt e. : the portion of a gemstone setting that surrounds the precious stone; also : a style of such setting 8. a. : a small simple sheltering or enclosing structure (as for a sentry or a watchman) b. chiefly Britain : a simple cabin or cottage < a shooting box > c. : sinkbox d. Britain : telephone booth 9. a. : printed matter set off by being enclosed or partly enclosed by rules or white space; also : the rules or white space enclosing such matter b. : a hollow rectangle in which a check mark is to be made < please check the box that applies to you > c. : a single unit of a comic strip d. : line 12b e. or box step : a combination of ballroom dance steps describing a rectangle on the floor 10. a. baseball (1) : the space where the pitcher stands formerly outlined with rectangular lines but now marked only by the pitcher's plate (2) : a space on either side of the home plate within which the batter must stand while batting (3) : either of the rectangular spaces 15 feet from the diamond and opposite first base and third base respectively within which the coaches are required to stand (4) : a triangular space behind the home plate in which the catcher must take his stand before every pitch — see baseball illustration b. : gully 4 11. a. : boarded leather b. : box calf 12. : a difficult situation : tight corner : fix, pickle < I must take some blame on myself for getting into this box — Walter H. Page > 13. : a case that holds a pack of cards so that they may be dealt one by one in the game of faro — called also dealing box 14. : vulva — usually considered vulgar • - in the box III. transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-es) 1. a. obsolete : cup 1 b. : to cut a hole into (a tree) to collect sap or resin 2. a. : to furnish (as a wheel hub) with a box b. Britain : to give a Christmas box to 3. : to enclose in or as if in a box < boxed cigars > < a boxed newspaper story > : stow — often with up < boxed up and put away > 4. : boxhaul 5. : to enclose with boarding or lathing so as to bring to a required form — usually used with out or up 6. English & Scots law : to file (a document) with a court of law 7. Australia : to mix up : confuse, befuddle — orig. used of sheep; often used with up 8. : to mix (paint, varnish) by pouring back and forth between two containers 9. : to hem in (an opponent or a competitor) — usually used with in, out, or up < boxed out the opposing tackle > < boxed in by a horse to his right > 10. : to stack (ceramic ware) in a kiln 11. : to bet on (a specified number to win) in certain games and lotteries; specifically : to bet on each of the 6 permutations of (a 3-digit number) in the numbers game • - box the compass - box the heart IV. noun (-es) Etymology: Middle English : a blow with the fist : buffet; specifically : a cuff on the ear V. verb (-ed/-ing/-es) transitive verb 1. a. obsolete : to hit with the hand or fist b. : to slap smartly in the region of (the ears) < boxed his ears > 2. : to engage in boxing with (a person) intransitive verb : to fight with the fists : engage in boxing Synonyms: see strike VI. noun 1. : the female genitalia — usually considered vulgar 2. a. : television ; especially : a television set b. : a usually self-contained piece of electronic equipment c. : boom box herein 3. : a house or office building resembling a box especially in shape |