释义 |
ven·ti·la·tion \ˌventəlˈāshən\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English ventulacioun, modification (influenced by Latin ventulus breeze) of Latin ventilation-, ventilatio, from ventilatus (past participle of ventilare to brandish in the air) + -ion-, -io -ion 1. obsolete : a current of air (as a breeze) 2. : an act or instance of ventilating: as a. archaic : an act or action of fanning or blowing; especially : the winnowing of grain b. : a movement and especially a circulation of air (as in an enclosed space) < a mine with poor ventilation > often : the circulation and exchange of gases in the lungs that is basic to respiration c. (1) : a making public or openly uttering : vent < his ventilation of these views alienated popular sympathy > (2) : free and open discussion (as of a matter of public interest) < such a proposal deserves thorough ventilation > (3) : verbal expression of mental or emotional conflicts leading to reduction of inner tensions — compare catharsis 3a 3. : provision of facilities or the facilities available to ensure an adequate or a particular sort of circulation (as of air) < a cave with good natural ventilation > < planned a complex ventilation system of blowers and ducts > < the ventilation broke down > |