

单词 mixed
释义 mixed
\ˈmikst\ adjective
Etymology: alteration (influenced by mixed, past participle of mix) (I) of Middle English mixte — more at mix
1. : combining the characteristics of more than one kind or class : not conforming to a single type
 < mixed grain in lumber >
 < a horse with a mixed gait >
 a. : having the legal attributes of two or more classes
  < a personal, real, or mixed action >
 b. : uniting features of two or more of the recognized systems of government (as aristocracy, democracy, monarchy)
  < gave to mixed government the form of a system of checks and balances — G.H.Sabine >
  < a mixed state >
  < a mixed constitution, in which King, Lords, and Commons all played their historical part — Ernest Barker >
 c. : combining features or exhibiting symptoms of more than one condition or disease
  < a mixed tumor >
 d. of a hand : having the fingers and palm of more than one type and usually held by palmists to indicate versatility and ease of comprehension and creativity often combined with erratic behavior and a lack of concentration — compare conic, philosophic, psychic, spatulate, square
 e. of an inflorescence : combining racemose and cymose formations
  < the mixed thyrsus of the lilac >
 f. : involving joint ownership by both government and private individuals or business organizations
  < a mixed corporation >
 g. : of or constituting a life-insurance company having a paid-up capital in addition to its accumulated assets and awarding a small portion of its profits to the proprietors or shareholders and the remainder to the assured (as in the mutual plan)
  < the mixed plan >
  < a mixed company >
 h. of a chemical compound : characterized by different groups, radicals, or ions of similar type
  < mixed glycerides >
  — opposed to simple
2. : made up of or involving individuals or items of more than one kind
 < a mixed carload >
 < a highway open to mixed traffic >
 < a mixed repertory of music old and new — Virgil Thomson >
 < go to town in fatigues, mixed uniforms and practically anything we want — Glen Carlsen >
  (1) : made up of or involving persons differing in race, national origin, religion, or class
   < a mixed trade union with Negroes and whites in the same local >
   < the mixed group of Alsatians, French, Swiss, Germans … who founded and developed the community — American Guide Series: Texas >
   < the religion of children in mixed households >
  (2) : including persons of dubious social status or moral character : not select
   < admit that the early Christians were a very mixed lot — G.B.Shaw >
  (3) : made up of representatives of both sides (as of a matter in dispute) and often one or more neutral members
   < settle their frontier disputes by means of mixed frontier commissions — UN Dept. of Public Information >
   — compare joint
  (4) : constituted by native and foreign judges for the administration of justice between persons of different nationalities
   < the jurisdiction of the mixed courts extends over all civil cases between Europeans and Egyptians — Evelyn Baring >
   < set up a mixed tribunal for the suppression of the slave trade — R.E.Crist >
  (1) : made up of or involving individuals of both sexes
   < a story considered unfit for mixed company >
   < mixed socials >
   < the couple who sang soprano and bass in the mixed quartet >
   < a contract bridge contest for mixed pairs >
  (2) : of both men and women performing in combination
   < a work for mixed voices sung by the men's and women's glee clubs >
   < a mixed chorus >
 c. of a stable natural community : containing two or more kinds of organism in abundance
  < a mixed prairie including both short grasses and midgrasses >
 d. of a canasta : containing one or more wild cards
 a. : including or accompanied by inconsistent or incompatible elements
  < considered technical advance a mixed blessing >
  < got a mixed reaction from the family >
  — often used with plural nouns
  < acted from mixed motives when money was involved >
  < mixed feelings toward a writer close to him in expression but alien in temperament — Irving Howe >
  < mixed reviews, ranging from “a sound musical drama” to “a very tasteless and pointless production” — Current Biography >
 b. of a market : characterized by price movements in both directions : irregular
  < the bond market was mixed >
4. : that derives from two or more recognized races or breeds
 < a person of mixed blood >
 < a dog of mixed breed >
5. of a vowel : central 7




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