

单词 verbal
释义 verbal
I. ver·bal \ˈvərbəl, ˈvə̄b-, ˈvəib-\ adjective
Etymology: Middle French or Late Latin; Middle French verbal, from Late Latin verbalis, from Latin verbum word, verb + -alis -al
 a. : expert or facile in the use of words
  < the most painstaking and elaborate verbal artist among the … poets of today — H.M.Green >
 b. : concerned with or using words for effect rather than meaning
  < a merely verbal writer who sacrifices content to sound >
 c. obsolete : verbose, wordy
  < you put me to forget a lady's manners by being so verbal — Shakespeare >
 a. : of or relating to words : consisting in or having to do with words
  < few poets of the twentieth century have written verbal music with deeper sensibility — H.V.Gregory >
  < a table of proportional dimensions for various widths is reproduced, and detailed verbal instructions are given — Experiment Station Record >
 b. : of, relating to, or involving words only : having to do with words rather than meaning or substance
  < a consistency that is merely verbal and scholastic — B.N.Cardozo >
  < an outward conformity with its precepts and a verbal profession of its tenets — J.G.Frazer >
 c. : consisting of or using words only and not effective action
  < confined himself to a mere verbal protest >
3. : of, relating to, or formed from a verb
 < occurs not less than ten times (eight times as a noun and twice in its verbal form) — Lutheran Quarterly >
 < a verbal adjective >
4. : spoken rather than written : oral
 < invitations to them may be verbal or by way of a short, informal note — Noreen Routledge >
 < the employer's consent, verbal or written — Jacob Loft >
5. : word for word : literal, verbatim
 < a verbal translation >
 a. : of or relating to facility in the use and comprehension of words
  < verbal aptitude >
  < the verbal factor of a test >
  — compare numerical 1e
 b. : depending on the medium of words
  < verbal communication >
  < verbal arts >
 a. : involving the use of words rather than action or performance
  < the verbal IQ >
 b. : expressed merely through words : lacking in conceptual or emotional grasp
ver·bal·ly \-bəlē, -li\ adverb
II. verb·al noun
: a word that combines characteristics of a verb with those of a noun or adjective — compare gerund, infinitive, participle




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