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brand I. \ˈbrand, -aa(ə)-\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English brand, brond brand, sword, from Old English; akin to Old High German brant brand, Old Norse brandr brand, blade of a sword, Old English byrnan, bærnan to burn — more at burn 1. a. : a piece of wood that has been or is burning (as one from a hearth or a burning building) : firebrand b. : something that resembles a burning piece of wood < blinding brands of lightning — P.B.Shelley > 2. a. : a sword blade b. : sword 3. a. (1) : a mark of a simple easily recognized pattern made by burning with a hot iron to attest manufacture or quality or to designate ownership (2) : a mark made with a stamp or stencil for similar purposes : trademark b. (1) : a mark put on criminals with a hot iron (2) : a mark of disgrace : stigma < a reputation bearing the brand of criminal negligence > 4. a. (1) : a class of goods identified as being the product of a single firm or manufacturer : make < stores selling well-known brands of canned foods > (2) : producer, manufacturer < a dozen brands of textile goods competing on the open market > b. : a characteristic or distinctive kind : variety < their brand of love was a tortured and fretful affection — Evelyn Eaton > 5. : a tool used to produce a brand (as on cattle, manufactured wares, wine casks) : branding iron 6. : any rust fungus giving a burnt appearance typically to leaves II. transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English branden, bronden from brand, brond, n. 1. : to mark with a brand < brand a criminal > < brand wine casks with the vineyard's name > especially : to place the brand of ownership on (horses or cattle) 2. : to mark, signal, or expose as being disgraceful or dishonest : stigmatize < refusal of such a demand brands one as stingy — Margaret Mead > 3. : to impress indelibly < history has once again branded this lesson on the minds of those who choose to see — T.O.Beachcroft > |