释义 |
ver·nal \ˈvərnəl, ˈvə̄n-, ˈvəin-\ adjective Etymology: Latin vernalis, from vernus vernal (from ver spring) + -alis -al; akin to Greek ear spring, Old Irish errach, Old Slavic vesna, Sanskrit vasanta and probably to Old Norse vār spring and perhaps to Latin aurora dawn — more at east 1. a. : appearing or occurring in the spring < vernal flora > < vernal catarrh > b. of migratory birds : arriving at the breeding range in spring 2. : of, relating to, or characteristic of the spring < vernal sunshine > < the vernal softness of first bloom — Claudia Cassidy > 3. : resembling or suggesting the spring of the year especially in freshness, gentleness, or newness : springlike < vernal freshness of a child — Coulton Waugh > • ver·nal·ly \-nəlē, -li\ adverb |