释义 |
ves·per I. \ˈvespə(r)\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Latin, evening, evening star — more at west 1. usually capitalized : evening star 1 2. vespers plural [modification of Medieval Latin vesperia, from Latin vesper evening + -ia -y] : public ceremonies or disputations formerly preceding commencement at an English university; also : the time of such ceremonies : the eve of commencement 3. vespers plural, often capitalized [French vespres, from Medieval Latin vesperae, from plural of Latin vespera evening — more at west] a. : the sixth and next to the last of the canonical hours b. : a religious office or service for this time: as (1) : an office formerly said or sung before nightfall (2) : the evening prayer or evensong of churches of the Anglican communion compiled from the ancient offices of vespers and compline (3) or vesper service : a late afternoon or evening religious service that is often largely musical 4. : a vesper bell 5. archaic : evening, eventide II. adjective 1. : of, relating to, or used in connection with religious vespers < vesper music > 2. : of or relating to the evening : vespertine |