

单词 moment
释义 mo·ment
\ˈmōmənt\ noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin momentum movement, motion, moment, influence, from earlier (assumed) movimentum, from movēre to move + -mentum -ment — more at move
 a. : a minute portion of time
  < the moment stretched out to a minute, the minute to an hour — Hesketh Pearson >
  < a moment of dreadful suspense — Graham Greene >
 b. : a point of time : instant
  < to us … the moment 8:17 a.m. means something — Aldous Huxley >
  < at this very moment of his life's lowest ebb — Osbert Sitwell >
  < if the great famine had not come along at that particular moment — Paul Blanshard >
 c. : a comparatively brief period of time
  < this whole moment of thought hardly lasted five minutes — Carl Jonas >
  < in moments of solitude when I was milking the cows — David Fairchild >
  < a presidential candidate … must symbolize the forces seeking expression during his moment in history — V.L.Albjerg >
 d. : the present time — usually used with the
  < at the moment she is at work on her fourth novel — Holiday >
  < the … flavor so much in fashion at the moment — Kenneth Hince >
  < a catchword of the moment — J.A.R.Pimlott >
 e. : a particular period (as of importance, significance, or pleasure)
  < all had their moments when their subject … made them greater than their normal selves — R.E.Priestley >
  < sailors have their moments as in any seaboard town — American Guide Series: New Hampshire >
2. obsolete : a minute portion or part : particle
 < every little moment of the earth — Thomas Blundeville >
3. : importance in influence or effect : consequence, consideration, weight
 < decisions of moment must be made by our government — L.H.Evans >
 < meanings which are … of no moment to the student — Edward Sapir >
 < taught men to reckon virtue of more moment than security — W.F.Hambly >
 < the political issues of their day seemed … of enormous moment — Christopher Hollis >
4. obsolete : a cause or motive of action : an influential point or consideration : a deciding factor
 < I have seen her die twenty times upon far poorer moment — Shakespeare >
5. : a definite period or point in a course of events: as
 a. : a stage in historical development (as of an institution)
  < a document of one moment in the history of thought and sensibility in the nineteenth century — T.S.Eliot >
 b. : a stage in logical development, in cognition, or in the growing adequacy of thought
 c. : a phase, aspect, or partial apprehension of a subject or thing
 d. in existentialist theology : a timeless point of decision within the inner subjectivity of a person when he freely enacts his relationship to eternity
 a. : tendency or measure of tendency to produce motion especially about a point or axis
 b. : the product of quantity (as a force) and the distance to a particular axis or point — see moment of a couple, moment of a force, moment of inertia
7. : an essential or constituent element (as of a complex conceptual entity)
 < the understanding is a necessary moment in the reason — Bernard Bosanquet >
8. : the average or sum of the deviations or some power of the deviations of the elements of a frequency distribution from a specified norm
Synonyms: see importance




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