单词 | vicious |
释义 | vi·cious 1. a. < a great university, in a few months, became a vicious political tool — R.A.Smith > b. < a family with a good mother can withstand a feckless or even a vicious father — Times Literary Supplement > 2. a. < discriminate between thoroughly vicious ideas and those which should have a chance to be heard — Zechariah Chafee > < criticism at its most vicious — C.D.Lewis > b. < a badly drawn or vicious bill — Allan Nevins > c. < a vicious argument > : inferior in form or taste : stunted in development : impaired, trivial < a vicious line of reasoning > < vicious and ephemeral light verse > < vicious spelling > 3. a. b. < a gastric carcinoma is a very vicious tumor — W.H.Cole > 4. a. < a particularly vicious dog which snapped at every passerby — American Guide Series: Rhode Island > b. < took a vicious swing at him with the pick — Rex Ingamells > < vicious animosity of political opponents — American Guide Series: Tennessee > c. < the vicious habit of picking feathers — Poultry Science > 5. < ugly and vicious stories invented and repeated by respectable lawyers and college professors — A.M.Schlesinger b. 1917 > 6. < there have been unusually vicious windstorms — Janet Flanner > 7. < the alternative of a vicious tightening of … belts later in the year — Economist > 8. < you can see in all this wage business the vicious spiral at work. The miners got more pay, so coal prices went up, so the railways raised their freight charges, so coal prices went up again to meet dearer transport, so the miners asked for more pay to meet the higher cost of living — Margaret Stewart > < a vicious cycle > Synonyms: < she had been vicious and unnatural; she had thriven on hatred, and had made life a hell for everyone about her — W.H.Wright > < protect the community from even its thoroughly vicious young criminals — Bruce Smith > < vicious accusations in the press that Jews had poisoned water supplies — Shlomo Katz > villainous is a forceful general descriptive term for anything depraved, scoundrelly, evil, or vile < certain villainous government officials had plotted to murder the Count — Edmund Wilson > < nor does great creative Nature pause for one minute to discourage such scoundrels in their villainous malpractice — J.C.Powys > iniquitous applies to an utter lack of justice or fairness, a callous disregard for decent conduct or procedure < they now appeared to him everything that was iniquitous and bad. Secret murder was their object — black, foul, midnight murder — Anthony Trollope > < that quenchless hunger for raw, quick, dirty money in American politics, which hardly sugarcoats its bribes, which glazes over its most iniquitous corruption — W.A.White > nefarious sometimes suggests impiety or flagrantly countering established laws and social principles < he kills devotion with an almost infallible aim. Charity turns into a lump of ice under his nefarious gaze — Julien Green > < our politicians would not dare to sacrifice the life and happiness of innumerable children to their nefarious schemes of bloodshed and oppression — Bertrand Russell > flagitious may describe whatever is disgracefully or scandalously wicked < the most flagitious villain upon earth — Henry Fielding > infamous is a general adjective for anything very bad, abhorrent, base, and deserving of evil fame < this man is of a character so infamous that he will stick at no falsehood, or hesitate at no crime — W.M.Thackeray > < the infamous Luboff, who, as chief of the secret police at Odessa after the defeat of Denikin's army, put thousands of innocent people to death — Valentine Williams > corrupt applies to what has lost integrity, honesty, and virtue and become degraded and depraved < now known to have been a traitor to the United States, a pensioner of Spain, and an accomplice of Aaron Burr: corrupt, profligate, and insubordinate — Allan Nevins & H.S.Commager > < a disordered and competitive mob, bent only on turning each to his own personal advantage the now corrupt machinery of administration and law — G.L.Dickinson > degenerate may suggest retrogression and corruption into an especially vicious or enervated condition < the degenerate practices of the court of the Caesars > < the degenerate physique as a whole is often marked by diminished stature and inferior vigor — H.G.Armstrong > |
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