单词 | monument |
释义 | mon·u·ment I. 1. obsolete < her body sleeps in Capel's monument, and her immortal part with angels lives — Shakespeare > 2. archaic < the critical study of the monuments of Roman and feudal law — Mark Pattison > 3. a. < visible monuments to the early struggles of the pioneers … are the old forts — American Guide Series: Maine > < the circular world map drawn on a single skein of vellum … is one of the great cartographic monuments — British Book News > < whose life work was a monument to pure science — H.J.Muller > b. (1) < the great Connecticut dictionary stood as a monument of New England learning — Van Wyck Brooks > < that speech … was a model, or rather a monument, of beautiful English utterance — George Sampson > < that monument of dignity would never connive at anything — Margery Allingham > (2) < the answer must be sought in the period before the man became a monument — G.W.Johnson > < made himself into a monument within his own lifetime — Walter Millis > 4. < the Lincoln Memorial is a monument to a great president > < monuments celebrating the victories of war — R.B.Fosdick > < the first monument in Italy to depict Christ as a worker — Time > 5. archaic < gaze … as if they saw some wondrous monument, some comet or unusual prodigy — Shakespeare > 6. obsolete < if the quick fire of youth light not your mind, you are no maiden but a monument — Shakespeare > 7. 8. 9. 10. < a model of appreciative biography, a charming monument to a great man — T.F.Hamlin > II. 1. 2. < erected chapels and altars there, and monumented the places of sacred scenes and associations — Hezekiah Butterworth > 3. < in locating, monumenting, and mapping the boundary, extensive use has been made of the geodetic maps of North America — U.S. Daily > |
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