释义 |
di·ges·tive I. \də̇ˈjestiv, -tēv also dīˈ- or -təv\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French digestif, from digestif, adjective 1. a. : something (as a food or drug) that aids digestion : digester b. Britain : a thin slightly sweet biscuit or wafer 2. obsolete : a substance that promotes suppuration II. \də̇ˈj- also (ˈ)dī|j-\ adjective Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French digestif, from Latin digestivus, from digestus (past participle of digerere to divide, distribute, arrange, digest) + -ivus -ive — more at digest : relating to digestion : having the power to cause or promote digestion < digestive ferments > • di·ges·tive·ly \-tə̇vlē, -li\ adverb • di·ges·tive·ness \-tivnə̇s, -tēv- also -təv-\ noun -es |