释义 |
vi·tal·i·ty \vīˈtaləd.ē, -lətē, -i\ noun (-es) Etymology: Latin vitalitat-, vitalitas, from vitalis of life + -itat-, -itas -ity — more at vital 1. a. : the peculiarity distinguishing the living from the nonliving and acting as if a specific force or principle — compare élan vital b. : capacity to live and develop < the vitality of a seed > also : physical or mental vigor especially when highly developed < a man of great vitality > 2. a. : power of enduring or continuing : capacity for survival < the vitality of an idiom > b. : lively and animated character : vigor < the vitality of his reasoning > < inspired his helpers with a new vitality > 3. : a manifestation or embodiment of vital force |