释义 |
bud·dy I. \ˈbədē, -di\ adjective (-er/-est) Etymology: bud (I) + -y : full or suggestive of buds II. noun also bud·die \“\ (plural buddies) Etymology: probably baby talk alteration of brother (I) 1. : little boy — used chiefly in address 2. a. : companion, partner; especially : fellow soldier b. : an intimate friend c. : one of two persons paired off in the buddy system 3. : fellow — used in informal address < hey, buddy, when's the next bus leave > III. intransitive verb (-ed/-ing/-es) : to become friendly — often used with up < he buddied up with the other corporal > IV. adjective Etymology: buddy, noun : featuring a friendship or partnership between the two main usually male characters < a buddy movie > |