

单词 volume
释义 vol·ume
I. \ˈvälyəm also -l(ˌ)yüm\ noun
Etymology: Middle English volum, volume, from Middle French, from Latin volumen roll of writing, book, volume, from volvere to roll — more at voluble
1. : a written document (as on parchment) rolled up on a short staff for keeping and unrolled for reading : scroll
 a. : a collection of printed sheets bound together whether constituting a single work
  < a volume of memoirs >
 a part of a work
  < the first volume of a long biography >
 or a part in a related series of works
  < the volume of Victorian poetry in the series of English poetry >
  : book; especially : the part of an extended work bound up together in one cover — compare brochure, pamphlet, tome
 b. : an arbitrary number of issues of a periodical or the issues printed within a set time (as a year)
  < each issue of a magazine bears a volume number and an issue number which are assigned by the publisher and continue in regular sequence from Volume 1, No. 1. — Theory & Practice of Bookbinding >
 c. : album 1c
  < the Russian basso, has done a volume of lieder — Harper's >
 a. : something that may be studied and interpreted like a book
  < the volume of nature >
 b. : something having a rounded or swelling form suggestive of a scroll : coil, convolution, turn
  < imbedded in the volumes of her hair — J.F.Cooper >
  < feminine attributes of even greater value than the curves and volumes of the female body — Frank Budgen >
4. : space occupied or enclosed by cubic units (as inches, feet, quarts, pecks, bushels, gallons) : compass, capacity
 < the volume of a container >
specifically : the number of cubes each with an edge one unit long that can be fitted exactly into a solid (as some rectangular parallelepipeds) when it can be fitted in such a manner or a number that is equally acceptable as a measure of the solid (as a sphere or cone) when it cannot be fitted in this manner
 a. : amount, bulk, mass, quantity
  < as a composer he produced a considerable volume of church music — J.T.Howard >
  < the volume of employment rose — Oscar Handlin >
  < the flow of income to individuals was of record dollar volume — Milton Gilbert >
  < a large volume of unclassified technological data has been published — R.A.Tybout >
  < overwhelmed by the volume and violence of his dispatches — Pierre Frédérix >
  < a sales volume of … a million dollars on his books — Current Biography >
  < shelled clams are bought by the count or by volume — Marjorie M. Heseltine & Ula M. Dow >
 often : a considerable quantity
  < profits are made by selling volume at market price — Wall Street Journal >
  < chance that the snow will fall in volume, and soon — J.M.Vander Voort >
  < pouring forth a volume of amiable absurdities — Victoria Sackville-West >
 b. : the amount of a substance that occupies a particular volume
  < one volume of the material which has been collected is added to 9 volumes of normal saline — F.J.Hamilton >
  < water on electrolysis gives 2 volumes of hydrogen to one of oxygen >
 c. : the number of vehicles or pedestrians that pass a given point during a specified period of time
  < the volume of traffic >
  (1) : a shaped or defined mass in a sculpture or an architectural structure
  (2) : the representation of mass or three-dimensional shape in a drawing or painting
 a. : the degree of loudness or the intensity of a sound
  < by the last chorus the volume of sound was overwhelming — Agnes S. Turnbull >
  < a desire for ever greater volume overtook musicians and instrument-makers — Robert Donington >
 also : loudness
  < a singer who could look pathetic and who had volume — Jo Sullivan >
 b. : the magnitude of an audio frequency wave in an electric circuit
7. : a characteristic of auditory sensations such that high tones seem small and sharp while low tones appear to fill much space
Synonyms: see size

II. adjective
: of, dealing with, or involving large quantities
 < volume production of airplanes >
 < volume sales of books >
III. verb
intransitive verb
: to roll or rise in volume
 < her dress volumed — George Meredith >
 < a drift of pale, voluming smoke arose from the sawdust pile — J.G.Cozzens >
 < the blood cry went up and volumed in a discordant chorus — J.F.Dobie >
transitive verb
1. : to collect or gather in or as if in a volume
2. : to send or give out in volume




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