单词 | voluntary |
释义 | vol·un·tary I. 1. a. < voluntary action > b. < a voluntary task > < voluntary services > < voluntary contributions > < voluntary efforts > c. obsolete d. < voluntary manslaughter > e. < voluntary worker > < voluntary or forced labor > f. obsolete g. 2. < voluntary behavior > < voluntary control > < voluntary motions > 3. < man is a voluntary agent > 4. a. < the hospital is a voluntary one with 400 beds — Science > < the importance of voluntary societies in a democracy > b. < sell blanket insurance policies covering medical, dental, and hospital care to the public on a voluntary basis — Current Biography > Synonyms: < a voluntary confession of guilt > < a voluntary taking of life > < voluntary muscle movements > intentional contrasts with accidental and inadvertent in specifying an intention and purpose < an intentional insult > < any injury to bystanders at an auto race cannot be considered intentional > deliberate carries the idea of full knowledge or full consciousness of the nature of an intended action < a deliberate lie > < deliberate acts of vandalism > < an organized and deliberate attack — carefully planned and calculated — New York Times > willful adds to deliberate the idea of a refusal to be advised or directed in any way and an obstinate determination to act despite all wiser opposing forces or considerations < a willful disobedience > < a gigantic glorification of vice and crime, a willful inversion of all normal ethical standards — Joseph Frank > willing implies such qualities as agreeableness or openmindedness that make one ready or eager to accede to others' wishes or effect an end pleasing to them < my most willing activity is listening to my secretary — O.W.Holmes †1935 > < no aspect of the world of science to which we cannot find willing and thrilling guidance — G.I.Schwartz > II. III. 1. a. b. 2. 3. 4. 5. |
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