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bug I. \ˈbəg\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English bugge scarecrow; akin to German dialect bögge piece of dried nasal mucus, hobgoblin, Norwegian dialect bugge important man — more at boast obsolete : bogey, bugbear II. noun (-s) Etymology: origin unknown 1. a. : an insect or other creeping or crawling invertebrate (as a spider or small crustacean) — not used technically b. : any of certain insects commonly considered especially obnoxious: as (1) : bedbug (2) : cockroach (3) : head louse c. : an insect of the order Hemiptera; especially : a member of the suborder Heteroptera 2. : an unexpected defect, fault, flaw, or imperfection (as in a plan, a mechanism, or a piece of legislation) — used especially of such items as are regarded as capable of alteration or ready improvement < there are still some bugs to iron out but the new motor will do the job > — compare joker 3. a. : a disease-producing germ or other microorganism b. : a disease caused by such bugs < probably caused by a bug… as yet unknown — Horace Sutton > especially : any of various respiratory conditions of virus origin (as influenza or grippe) < stricken with a virus bug > 4. a. : fad, craze, hobby < bitten by the miniature-golf bug > < got the trailer bug on a vacation trip > b. : enthusiasm, concern, or deep interest especially in respect to some particular matter or objective < I have rather a bug about learning in class — Jean Nison > c. : a person notably concerned with, enthusiastic about, or efficient at a specified interest or activity < he's a bug on proper training of young shooters > < she was a bug at languages — Newsweek > < a perfect bug for detail > d. : hobbyist < camera bugs > < ski bugs > e. : a crazy person; especially : firebug 5. a. archaic : a vain or self-important person b. : a person of prominence or high social standing < we'll have all the bugs to lunch > — see big bug 6. poker : the joker when considered wild only for the purpose of filling straights or flushes or of acting as an ace 7. a. : an alarm system (as a burglar alarm) b. : a concealed microphone c. : a device for wiretapping d. : a high-speed telegrapher's key that makes repeated dots or dashes automatically and saves motion of the operator's hand 8. [so called from its designation by an asterisk on race programs] : the weight allowance given apprentice jockeys 9. slang : numbers game 10. : a light usually two-seater stripped-down automobile 11. : a fishing plug felt to resemble a large insect III. verb (bugged ; bugged ; bugging ; bugs) transitive verb 1. : to rid (as plants) of insects < we'll have to bug the potatoes again next week > 2. : bother, annoy, irritate; sometimes : to drive (a person) crazy 3. a. : to equip with a burglar alarm b. : to plant a concealed microphone in : wiretap < bug a meeting > intransitive verb : to hunt for or collect bugs IV. noun also bug light (-s) Etymology: probably from (lightning) bug 1. : a small channel or harbor light with intermittent flash 2. : flashlight b V. \ˈbəg, ˈbu̇g\ adjective Etymology: perhaps of Scandinavian origin; akin to Norwegian bugge important man dialect England : conceited, stuck-up VI. \ˈbəg\ verb (bugged ; bugged ; bugging ; bugs) Etymology: probably alteration (influenced by bug) (I) of bulge intransitive verb of the eyes : protrude, bulge — often used with out transitive verb : bulge, protrude < his eyes were bugged with horror > |