

单词 votary
释义 vo·ta·ry
\-rē, -ri\ noun
Etymology: Latin votum vow + English -ary — more at vow
1. archaic
 a. : one pledged by solemn vows to a religious life : monk, nun
  < monasteries of votaries under special … rules — John Owen >
 b. : a sworn adherent
  < the votaries … that are vow-fellows with this virtuous duke — Shakespeare >
 a. : an ardent enthusiast : addict, devotee
  < it was a paper for the home … and the female sex became its faithful votaries — John Buchan >
  < gaming tables, thronged all night by the votaries of chance — Bayard Taylor >
 b. : a devoted admirer : disciple, fan
  < this volume … records the scattered yet absorbing talk of master and votary — Gene Baro >
 a. : an adherent of a pagan deity
  < cultivate the goodwill of the gods, and so … induce them to bestow their benefits on their votaries — E.O.James >
 b. : a devout or zealous worshiper
  < a temple indifferent to the plight of … votaries below — Charlton Agburn >
 c. : a dedicated believer : staunch advocate
  < each religious dogma has its votaries >
  < affluent votaries of the status quo — Hodding Carter >




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