

单词 wait
释义 wait
I. \ˈwāt, usu -ād.+V\ verb
Etymology: Middle English waiten, from Old North French waitier to watch, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German wahta watch, guard, wahhēn, wahhōn to watch, be awake — more at wake
transitive verb
 a. : to stay in place or remain inactive in expectation of : stay for : await
  < waited his turn to play >
  < horses … waiting their riders — L.C.Douglas >
  < waited their coming with dignity — Elizabeth Middleton >
  (1) : to hold back in expectation of : delay in hope of : defer until
   < wait a favorable opportunity >
   < waited a better day — Century Magazine >
   < waited her chance — Amelia Walden >
  (2) : to delay in hope of a favorable change in or cessation of
   < wait out the stock market >
   < wait out a storm >
2. archaic : to accompany with ceremony or respect : attend on : escort
 < bids him wait her to her sacred dome — Alexander Pope >
3. archaic : to be ready or available for
 < tea and coffee wait your pleasure in the drawing room — R.S.Surtees >
4. : to delay serving (a meal) : put off : hold, keep
 < waited dinner for the latecomers to arrive >
5. : to serve the eaters sitting at
 < earned a few dollars waiting table — Ralph Ellison >
intransitive verb
 a. : to remain stationary in readiness or expectation
  < sat and waited for the man in charge >
  < waiting in line for hours >
  < kept us waiting in the rain >
 b. obsolete : to remain hopeful and trusting
  < truly my soul waiteth upon God — Ps 62:1 (Authorized Version) >
  (1) : to linger expectantly at or near a place : hang around
   < waiting around hoping to see a celebrity >
  (2) of a hawk : to circle above the hunter till the game is sprung
 d. : to pause or halt for another to catch up
  < waited up for me … and we went along side by side — Helen Eustis >
 e. South & Midland : to stay expectantly for another to speak or act
  < come on, we're waiting on you >
 f. : to delay going to bed
  < waited up to see a late show on television >
 a. : to look forward expectantly
  < waiting to see his rival lose >
  < waiting for the shell to explode >
 b. : to hold back expectantly : delay until the proper condition has come about
  < waiting for his chance to strike >
  < a land where wealth waited on a lot of hard work — J.H.Plumb >
  < waited till the war's end to get married >
 c. : to hold back in a competition (as a race) with the expectation of closing strong to win in the final stage
  < waited off, well behind the leaders, until the last lap >
 a. archaic
  (1) : to be in readiness to serve or execute orders
   < they also serve who only stand and wait — John Milton >
  (2) : to act as an attendant
   < maids of honor to wait upon the queen — American Guide Series: Maryland >
  (3) South & Midland : to attend a bride or groom at a wedding ceremony
 b. : to supply the wants of another : serve
  < waited on her children hand and foot >
 c. : to serve at meals : be a waiter
  < specialized either in waiting or in cookery — G.V.Selsey >
  — usually used in the phrases wait at table or wait on table
  < as a student he waited at table for two years >
  < waits on tables when the restaurant is crowded >
 d. : to serve a customer or client (as in a shop)
  < looked around for a salesgirl to wait on her >
 e. : to serve as escort
  < waited upon the visiting dignitaries to their lodgings >
4. : to make a formal call
 < a delegation waited on the commissioners — Meridel LeSueur >
 a. : to be ready and available
  < a letter waiting for you on the table >
  < slippers waited by the bed — Mary Cable >
  < ideas … waiting for discovery — A.N.Whitehead >
 b. : to remain temporarily neglected
  < your letter has waited longer than they often do — O.W.Holmes †1935 >
 c. : to remain unrealized for a time
  < the establishment of large purses waited until the seventies — American Guide Series: New York >
6. Britain : park 1
Synonyms: see stay

- in waiting
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English waite watchman, watchman who sounds watch, public musician, watch, wait, from Old North French, watchman, watch, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German wahta watch, guard
 a. : one of a band of public musicians in England employed usually by a city to play for processions or at official or public entertainments
  < the wait who played the bagpipes — London Calling >
  (1) : one of a group of street or rustic serenaders who play or sing at night for small gratuities especially around the Christmas season
  (2) : a piece of music provided by these musicians
 c. : shawm; especially : one played by the town musicians of England
 a. : a position from which a person in concealment can watch usually with intent to attack or surprise : ambush — used chiefly in the expression lie in wait
  < thieves lying in wait around the bend of the road >
 b. : a condition or attitude of watchfulness and expectancy
  < anchored in wait for early morning fishing — Fred Zimmer >
 a. : an act of waiting
  < endless waits that make up a soldier's life — Dixon Wecter >
 b. : a period of waiting : delay, interval
  < a long wait in line >
  < a week's wait before delivery >
 specifically : a break or pause (as between the acts) in a theatrical performance : intermission
  < run off the program without waits >




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