

单词 mouth
释义 mouth
I. \ˈmau̇th\ noun
(plural mouths \ˈmau̇thz also -au̇z sometimes -au̇ths; -au̇ths especially in compounds whose meaning is “something having a certain kind of mouth,” as “blabbermouth”\)
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English mūth; akin to Old High German mund mouth, Old Norse munnr, muthr, Gothic munths mouth, Latin mandere to chew, Greek masasthai to chew, mastax mouth, jaws
 a. : the opening through which food passes into the body of an animal; specifically : the orifice in the head of higher vertebrates bounded by the lips or jaws
 b. : the cavity bounded externally by the lips or jaws and internally by the pharynx or gullet that encloses in the typical vertebrate the tongue, gums, and teeth : the buccal cavity
 c. : the structures enclosing or lying within the mouth cavity regarded as a whole
  < the dog seized the bone in his mouth >
  < my mouth is sore >
 a. : the lips as a feature of the face
  < kissed her on the mouth >
 b. : grimace 1
  < make a mouth >
 c. : response to guiding pressure on the bit — used of a horse
  < a well-trained horse has a good mouth >
 d. : an individual requiring food
  < carnivora … keep down the number of useless mouths by killing off practically all the weak and aged — James Stevenson-Hamilton >
  (1) : the salivary glands
   < pastry that makes one's mouth water >
  (2) : the organs of taste : palate
   < had my mouth all set for oysters >
 f. obsolete : a threatening vicinity
  < we unawares run into danger's mouth — John Milton >
 a. archaic : oral communication : tongue
  < learned … his faith from the mouth of the Roman priest — Mark Pattison >
 b. obsolete : a means of utterance
  < the midnight bell did with his … brazen mouth sound on — Shakespeare >
 c. : the baying of a dog
  < the musical mouth of a hound on the scent >
 a. : one that speaks : voice
  < with all the mouths of Rome to second you — Joseph Addison >
  < through the mouth of his chancellor … made an unusual demand — R.W.Southern >
 b. archaic : an oral interchange : conversation
  < the names … were in many mouths — T.B.Macaulay >
  (1) : a pronouncement attributed to someone
   < artificial speeches placed in the mouths of historical figures — R.A.Hall b. 1911 >
  (2) : expression in words : speech
   < names came up … and she might remember them in her father's mouth — Padraic Fallon >
  (1) : mouthpiece 3a
   < he is the mouth … of the House in its relations with the Crown — T.E.May >
  (2) archaic : a gullible person : dupe
   < the whole gang will be … watching an opportunity to make a mouth of you — Charles Cotton >
 e. archaic
  (1) : a frame of reference : view
   < in a Roman mouth, the graceful name of prophet and of poet was the same — William Cowper >
  (2) : a sphere of authority : province
   < does it lie in the mouth of members of that government to taunt the … party with having no policy — Randolph Churchill >
  (1) : a tendency to excessive talk : volubility
   < he is not all mouth … he gets results — Time >
   — often modified by big
   < now you've spilled the beans, you and your big mouth >
  (2) : saucy or disrespectful language : impudence, back talk
   < just don't take any mouth from him — Jackson Burgess >
5. : something that resembles a mouth: as
  (1) : the place where a tributary enters a larger stream or body of water
  (2) : the entrance to a harbor
  (3) : the place where a valley or gorge begins
  (4) : the place where a side street enters a main thoroughfare
 b. : the surface outlet of an underground shaft or passageway
  < mouth of a well >
  < mouth of a mine >
  < mouth of a volcano >
  < mouths of all underdrains should be looked to — Adrian Bell >
  < arriving at the mouth of the burrow he lay down — J.T.McNish >
 c. : the opening at the receiving end of a container
  < mouth of a pocket >
  < mouth of a bottle >
  < mouth of a fisherman's trawl >
 specifically : the curved portion of a hook between the bill and the shank
  (1) : the opening in a metallurgical furnace through which it is charged
  (2) : taphole
  (3) : any of several furnaces in a pottery kiln each connected by a flue to a central opening in the oven
  (4) : the opening in a covered glass pot
 e. : the space between the cutting or gripping edges of a tool (as a vise)
 f. : the muzzle of a piece of ordnance
  < charged right up into the mouths of those cannon — F.B.Gipson >
  < the mouth of the automatic pressed closer against the back in the light overcoat — Kay Boyle >
 g. : the space in front of the cutter of a carpenter's plane through which the shavings pass
  (1) : the open end of a wind instrument (as a horn)
  (2) : an opening (as in a flute) across which the player blows
  (3) : the opening between the lips of an organ flue pipe
 i. : the summit of the tube of a corolla
 j. : the opening of a univalve shell
 k. architecture : scotia

- a poor mouth
- down in the mouth
- from mouth to mouth
- full mouth
- on the wrong side of one's mouth
II. \ˈmau̇th\ verb
Etymology: Middle English mouthen, from mouth, n.
transitive verb
 a. : to give utterance to : speak, pronounce
  < taught to mouth the word cow — Don Murray >
  < glibly mouthed by so many people — Edna Ferber >
  < only mouths words in talking about the need for faith — R.W.Flint >
 b. : to utter sententiously or bombastically
  < mouthing big phrases to hide little thought — Bruce Marshall >
  < mouthing sonorous Virgil — Robert Keable >
 c. : to form soundlessly with the lips
  < mouthing the words, “this is what she thinks is tea” — Jean Stafford >
 a. : to take into the mouth
  < he keeps them … in the corner of his jaw, first mouthed to be last swallowed — Shakespeare >
 especially : eat
  < mouthed down a square of cheese — Norman Mailer >
 b. : to work over with the mouth or teeth
  < mouthing the eggs and young for oxygenation purposes — L.P.Schultz >
 specifically : mangle
  < a crooked … little man who had been mouthed by a whale — R.M.Lovett >
 a. : to accustom (a horse) to the bridle and bit
  < a horse must be carefully mouthed before he is taught to jump >
 b. : to examine the teeth of (a horse or sheep) especially as a means of estimating age
  < sheepmen always mouth … sheep they are about to buy, to see if the age is as represented — Lamb Production >
4. : to swage the top of (a metal can) to receive the cover
intransitive verb
 a. : to express oneself in speech : talk, recite
  < go around annoying people by mouthing to yourself — W.R.Benét >
  < juvenile mouthing of the multiplication tables >
 b. : to speak bombastically or angrily : declaim, rail
  < the bad old tradition of mouthing and ranting to bring … characters to life — Vernon Jarratt >
 c. : to divulge information : tell
  < wasn't going to have him mouth around the countryside that I had the stove for my own personal comfort — Michael McLaverty >
2. obsolete : to caress with the lips : kiss
 < the duke … would mouth with a beggar, though she smelt brown bread and garlic — Shakespeare >
 a. : to make faces : grimace
  < the children were giggling, bubbling, mouthing — Alexander Saxton >
 b. : to move the lips silently
  < the octopus roped down from his hand, suckers still faintly mouthing — Norman Lewis >
4. : to issue into a larger body of water : debouch — used of a tributary
 < where does this creek mouth >




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