

单词 moving
释义 mov·ing
\see pres part at move I\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from present participle of moven to move — more at move
 a. : that is marked by or capable of movement : that is not fixed or stationary
  < a device with moving parts >
 b. : that advances or progresses
  < living in a moving world >
  (1) : that causes or produces or carries on motion or action or change : actuating
   < the moving force of a machine >
  (2) : that originates or instigates or promotes something
   < was one of the moving spirits behind the plan >
 b. : that stirs up or arouses or plays upon the emotions : that affects one's feelings or influences the mental outlook emotionally : that affects the sensibilities
  < a moving plea for justice >
  < a moving tale of heroism >
 c. : that excites interest and discussion and controversy : vital
  < one of the moving questions of the day >
 impressive, poignant, affecting, touching, pathetic: moving applies to any strong emotional excitation, including thrilling, entrancing, saddening, or calling forth pity and sympathy
  < a modern version of the hero who for the good of mankind exposed himself to the agonies of the damned. It is always a moving subject — W.S.Maugham >
  < a moving revelation of child life in an orphanage — Mary MacColl >
  impressive may describe that which forcibly commands attention, respect, admiration, awe, wonder, or conviction
  < he was especially impressive before a court or jury and on account of his masterly arguments and effective oratorical powers the courtroom was always filled when it was known that he would speak — Marie B. Owen >
  < the southern entrance is impressive, with great rock walls rising abruptly on each side of the river bed in barren and forbidding grandeur — American Guide Series: Texas >
  poignant refers to whatever keenly or sharply affects one's sensitivities, now especially to whatever compels pity
  < the most poignant of all perfumes: that which rises from a meadow on a July night — Kenneth Roberts >
  < that tenderness became sometimes so poignant that perhaps neither of us knew whether it was joy or pain — Havelock Ellis >
  < is anything in the world more poignant than youth and love — Virgil Thomson >
  affecting applies to whatever deeply moves the emotions; it is less specific than others in this list but is commonly used in situations involving pathos
  < funeral the next day was a more affecting spectacle than anything ever seen in his theater — Green Peyton >
  touching may describe that which calls forth tenderness or compassion
  < a clean sober little maid, with a very touching upward look of trust — John Galsworthy >
  < when an aging man begins to cry in front of his colleagues, he presents a touching spectacle — Francis Hackett >
  pathetic suggests pity for sorrow and distress, but unlike others in this group and like the word pitiful it may connote blended pity and amusement or contempt for weakness, inadequacy, and futility
  < infant mortality, as the pathetic little cemeteries bore witness, was cruelly high — Allan Nevins & H.S.Commager >
  < her death has all the pathetic uselessness of martyrdom — Oscar Wilde >
  < staged the pathetic little rebellion of 1798 against England. It ended in quick disaster — Paul Blanshard >
  < this southern tradition was pathetic because it was but a remnant of an old aristocratic society — Reinhold Niebuhr >




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