释义 |
bun·dle I. \ˈbəndəl\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English bundel, from Middle Dutch bundel, bondel; akin to Old English byndel bundle, Old High German gibuntili bundle, bintan to tie — more at bind 1. a. : a number of things fastened together into a mass or bunch convenient for handling or conveyance < a bundle of sticks > < a bundle of shirts > b. : package; often : a loose package especially wrapped in paper : parcel, roll < make up soiled clothes into a bundle > < a bundle of groceries > c. : a number or group of things considered as a unit : lot, collection < a large bundle of mistakes > < a bundle of contradictions > < a bundle of energies > d. : a group of isoglosses running close together in the same general direction whether coinciding, diverging, converging, or crossing each other — called also fascicle 2. : the amount contained in a bundle especially as fixed for a certain commodity and sometimes used as a unit of quantity: as a. : a board measure unit equalling 50 pounds that is used in papermaking b. : a shipping unit of about 125 pounds that is used in papermaking 3. : a small band or group of mostly parallel fibers (as of nerves or muscles) : fasciculus, tract 4. : vascular bundle 5. slang : a sizable sum of money < left a fortune of half a million bucks — quite a bundle for that day — Pete Martin > II. verb (bundled ; bundled ; bundling \-nd(ə)liŋ, ÷nliŋ\ ; bundles) transitive verb 1. a. : to tie or bind in a bundle : assemble in a bundle b. : to make into a roughly rounded loose unit < he bundled the coat into a human outline > c. : to compress (book sections) in groups after the folding operation in bookbinding 2. : to hustle or hurry unceremoniously often by shoving or throwing < bundled the children off to school > < he bundled his possessions into an empty carriage — David Garnett > intransitive verb 1. a. : to prepare for departure b. : to set off or go in a hurry or without ceremony : hurry < a group of servants came bundling from the kitchen — Charlotte Brontë > 2. : to practice bundling III. noun 1. : a person embodying a specified quality or characteristic < a bundle of energy > 2. : a package offering related goods or services at a single price < software bundles that include a self-teaching guide > IV. transitive verb : to include (a product or service) with a related product for sale at a single price < software is bundled with computer hardware > |