单词 | wall |
释义 | wall I. 1. a. (1) < hurled stones and spears at the attackers from the wall > — usually used in plural < citizens ran to defend the walls of the city > (2) < the wall of the villa follows the road for miles > b. < the great Chinese wall extended for more than 1500 miles > c. 2. < a continuously curving wall gives the building its shape > especially < the inside walls are all movable — London Calling > < the house has a glass wall facing the garden > — see cavity wall, faced wall, nonbearing partition, party wall, storage wall 3. < the passenger who takes the wall brushes the dim glass with his sleeve — Charles Dickens > 4. a. < schools whose teachers … were driven to the wall financially — Dixon Wecter > < pushing them to the wall in the competitive struggle — T.W.Arnold > b. < let the weakest go to the wall — Art & Industry > < since the war, several … magazines have gone to the wall — P.W.Crowcroft > 5. walls plural < evident to those outside our academic walls — J.B.Conant > 6. a. < surgical instruments for penetrating the wall of the body > < muscle wall > — often used in plural < staves form the walls of a barrel > < stomach walls > b. (1) (2) 7. a. (1) < a towering mountain wall > < a wall of water, 75 feet high, … rushed upon the city — American Guide Series: Pennsylvania > < a stream flowing between the valley walls > (2) < a sovereign state would be outside the American tariff walls — S.F.Bemis > < two men hurt on the football team's forward wall > < going through the enemy's wall in linear formation — Tom Wintringham > b. < the wall of reserve the old man had built around himself — Ben Riker > < break down the wall of condescension — Charles Angoff > < unable to break through the wall of employer resistance — Frank O'Leary > 8. II. 1. a. < to keep out street noises … the house was walled on that facade — Current Biography > b. < planning to wall in the garden for privacy > < a lake walled in by snow-covered peaks > < was walled in by authority — W.P.Webb > c. < walled off half the house to make two apartments > < walled off their world … from the rest of human society — H.S.Truman > d. < tall chestnut trees wall the broad avenue > 2. a. < had walled the monster up within the tomb — E.A.Poe > < compelled … to spend their time walling up this danger — Lillian Smith > b. < walled up the crevice — Oliver La Farge > 3. < this study is walled with books — Lucien Price > Synonyms: see enclose III. < wall cabinets > < a wall clock > < wall plants > IV. transitive verb < mooning about, … playacting and walling her eyes — Frances G. Patton > intransitive verb of the eyes < big eyes would wall up to the ceiling with a look of fear in them — Carson McCullers > V. VI. • - up against the wall - up the wall |
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