

单词 burst
释义 burst
I. \ˈbərst, ˈbə̄st, ˈbəist\ verb
(burst \“\ ; also bursted \-tə̇d\ ; or archaic brast \ˈbrast\ ; burst also bursted or archaic brast ; bursting ; bursts)
Etymology: Middle English bersten, bresten, from Old English berstan; akin to Old High German brestan to burst, Old Norse bresta to burst, Middle Irish brosc noise, and perhaps to Lithuanian brašketi to make a cracking noise
intransitive verb
1. : to break or fail by breaking when subjected to tension
 < the rope burst in two as they pulled >
specifically : to splinter on impact — used especially of manual weapons (as swords or lances)
 a. of a boil or similar lesion : to rupture and discharge its contents
  < the pain will ease when the abscess bursts >
 b. : to break to pieces especially from pressure from within : explode
  < the shell burst overhead >
  < if you eat any more you will burst >
 broadly : to give way suddenly, explosively, or unexpectedly
  < the dam burst under the pressure of flood waters >
  < he was ready to burst with disgust >
 a. : to pass from one place to another especially with great vigor against obstacles or on release from some restraint
  < he burst into the room >
  < bursting free from the clinging mud >
  < the water burst through the break in the dam >
 b. : to appear or disappear suddenly or unexpectedly — usually used with words expressing direction (as forth, out, away, into, through)
  < the sun burst through >
  < the valley burst into view >
 c. : to make or undergo an abrupt change: as
  (1) : to pass from a less to a more vigorous, ardent, or glowing state
   < the smoldering logs burst into flame >
   < the whole slope will burst into bloom in another month >
  (2) : to come into bloom : open, unfold
   < buds are bursting on all the trees >
 a. : to give or receive sudden or unexpected release or expression (as of a cry previously repressed)
  < he let his fear burst out in a babble of meaningless chatter >
  < they burst out laughing at the sight of us >
 b. : to make an abrupt beginning : launch, plunge — usually used with into and especially of expressions of emotion
  < he burst into song >
  < bursting into a furious rage >
  < he burst into print without adequate preparation >
 a. : to be full to the point of breaking open or overflowing
  < barns bursting with grain >
  < streams bursting after the late thaw >
 b. : to be at the point of giving way to suppressed emotion
  < he was like to burst with fury >
6. : to make a play in forty-one pool that scores more than 41 points
transitive verb
 a. obsolete : break, shatter
 b. : to break, rend, or shatter by or as if by violent action or by strain or pressure especially from within
  < a blow that nearly burst his skull >
  < the ever-increasing number of children who are constantly bursting the walls of outmoded buildings — Saturday Review >
 a. : to force open (as a door) or open (as a way) by sudden or vigorous action
  < he burst his way through the underbrush >
  < open up or we'll burst the door >
 b. : to produce (as an opening) by an act or through the effect of bursting
  < burst a hole through the wall >
3. : to cause to burst
 < this warm weather will burst the buds in a hurry >
Synonyms: see break

- burst at the seams
II. noun
 a. : a sudden intense outbreak (as of sound or light)
  < a burst of flames coming through the roof >
  < one great burst of thunder >
 especially : a vehement outburst (as of emotion)
  < a burst of furious rage >
 b. : explosion, eruption
  < a burst of violence >
 especially : the explosion of a projectile
  < the devastating effect of ground bursts >
 c. : a brief, intense, or violent effort or exertion
  < reaching 102 miles per hour in one sustained burst — A.W.Baum >
  : spurt
  < put on a final burst of speed and crossed the line first >
 sometimes : a hard fast ride on horseback
 d. : a series of shots fired from an automatic weapon by one pressure of the trigger; also : the period covered by such a series
  < a 10-second burst >
 a. : an act of bursting
  < beech buds were near the burst — George Meredith >
 b. : a sudden and often unexpected breaking forth, expressing, or manifesting
  < in a burst of confidence he told me >
  < a wild burst of sobbing >
3. : a result of bursting:
 a. : a flaw or break (as in a water pipe) produced by bursting
 b. : a visible puff accompanying the blast of an antiaircraft shell
 c. : an intense ionization caused by cosmic rays or by particles resulting from spallation and seen in a cloud chamber or photographic emulsion as a figure resembling a bursting artillery shell
 d. : a sudden increase in signal strength of radio waves being received by ionospheric reflection that is believed to be caused by a disturbance of the ionosphere meteors
4. : a sudden unfolding to view : an expanse made visible
 < a fine burst of country — Jane Austen >
5. : a play in the game of forty-one pool that scores more than 41 points and requires the player to begin again with no points
6. chiefly Britain : spree, blowout
III. adjective
also bursted \“\
: that has broken especially by reason of tension or stress
 < a burst bubble >
 < burst seams >
IV. transitive verb
: to separate (as a perforated continuous paper form) into sheets




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