释义 |
warning I. noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English warnung, from warnian to warn + -ung -ing 1. a. : the action of one that warns : the action or fact of putting one on his guard by intimating danger, evil consequences, or penalties from an act or course of conduct < give warning > < without warning she began to beat him on the head — Sherwood Anderson > b. : the fact or state of being warned < he had warning of his illness > 2. : something that warns or serves to warn: as a. : admonition b. : an example or case having a deterrent effect < his life will be a warning to others > c. : calling, summons; also : a summoning bell or other signal d. : a notice from one or the other of two parties to a business relation (as of landlord and tenant) that it will be terminated at a certain time e. : a notice advising a student that his academic or social record is unsatisfactory f. : a notice, bulletin, or signal that serves to caution of the approach of danger < hurricane warning > < air raid warning > especially : storm warning 3. : the partial unlocking of a striking mechanism of a clock accompanied by a sound intimating that the clock is about to strike II. adjective Etymology: partly from warning (I); partly from present participle of warn : serving as an alarm, signal, summons, or admonition : announcing something imminent or impending or the presence of danger < warning bell > < warning shot > < warning examples of the old vices — J.G.Frazier > • warn·ing·ly adverb |