释义 |
but·tress I. \ˈbətrə̇s\ noun (-es) Etymology: Middle English butres, boterace, from Middle French bouterez, from Old French boterez, from boter, bouter to thrust — more at butt 1. : a projecting structure of masonry or wood for supporting or giving stability to a wall or building (as to resist lateral pressure or strain acting at a particular point in one direction) but sometimes serving chiefly for ornament 2. : any of various things that resemble a buttress in appearance: a. : counterfort b. : a projecting part of a mountain or hill c. : a horny protuberance on a horse's hoof at the heel where the wall bends inward and forward d. : the broadened basal portion of a tree trunk or a thickened vertical part of it 3. : something that supports, strengthens, or helps to defend < a buttress of the cause of peace > 4. : an abutment built from a river bank to prevent logs in a drive from injuring the bank or jamming II. transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-es) 1. : to furnish or support with a buttress < buttressing the bridge piers > : shore up : prop, sustain < the present river system buttressed now with … good levees — A.W.Baum > 2. : support, sustain, strengthen < arguments buttressed by solid facts > < measures to buttress the national economy against the stresses of war > Synonyms: see support III. adjective of a saw blade : having widely separated teeth with one edge perpendicular and the other oblique to the direction of motion |