

单词 waste
释义 waste
I. \ˈwāst\ noun
Etymology: Middle English waste, wast; in sense 1, from Old North French wast, from wast, adjective, wild, desolate, waste, from Latin vastus unoccupied, desolate, waste; akin to Old English wēste desolate, waste, Old High German wuosti, Latin vanus empty, vain; in other senses, from Middle English wasten to waste — more at wane
  (1) : an uninhabited or sparsely settled region : wilderness
   < this waste of mud; water, and monotonous vegetation — Wilfred Thesiger >
   < the trackless wastes of the pine hills — Adria Langley >
  (2) : barren land worthless for cultivation and more or less bare of vegetation : desert
   < a sandy waste of several square miles that was once forest and later farm lands — American Guide Series: Michigan >
  (3) : a desolate and cheerless region or place; specifically : a place made barren or forbidding by human agency
   < a quiet countryside was converted by the ironmasters into one of the ugliest wastes ever created by man — L.D.Stamp >
  (4) : something arid, deserted, or forbidding
   < so was his life become a hopeless waste — B.A.Williams >
 b. : uncultivated land; specifically : land subject to the right of common
  (1) : a broad and empty expanse (as of water or air)
   < outposts staring over the seething Atlantic wastes — Marjory S. Douglas >
  (2) : an endless stretch (as of time)
   < all those who have died throughout the long wastes of time — J.S.Bradford >
   < one o'clock, and then another long, long waste of quarters — Rumer Godden >
 d. : a disused part of a coal mine
 a. : the act or action of wasting : useless or profitless consumption or expenditure : loss without equivalent gain
  < this present era of efficiency ought … to avoid the waste of ability — C.H.Grandgent >
  < waste of time >
  < waste of money >
 b. : an instance of wasting
  < thought it was an economic waste to have a car sitting in the garage all day long — M.M.Musselman >
 a. : loss through breaking down of bodily tissue
 b. : gradual loss or decrease by use, wear, or decay
 c. chiefly dialect : a bodily consumption by disease
 a. : damaged, defective, or superfluous material produced during or left over from a manufacturing process or industrial operation : material not usable for the ordinary or main purpose of manufacture: as
  (1) : material rejected during a textile manufacturing process and either recovered for reworking (as yarn) or used usually for wiping dirt and oil from hands and machinery
  (2) : scrap
  (3) : fluid (as steam) allowed to escape without being utilized
  (4) : worthless material removed in mining or digging operations
  (5) : a soft absorbent material that when saturated with oil and packed in a journal of a railroad car equipped with solid bearings serve to lubricate the journal
 b. : refuse from places of human or animal habitation: as
  (1) : garbage, rubbish
   < no receptacle for waste may be washed in a pond, lake, or stream — American Guide Series: New Hampshire >
  (2) wastes plural : excrement, ordure
   < the proper disposal, or lack of disposal here, of human wastesOrient Book World >
   < barnyard wastes >
  (3) : sewage
 c. : material derived by mechanical and chemical weathering and moved down sloping surfaces or carried by streams to the sea
  < as rock waste continues to stream away from every part of the area in turn, valleys are widened — Arthur Holmes >
 a. : destruction or injury done to property (as houses, woods, or land) by a temporary or life tenant to the prejudice of the heir or of him in reversion or remainder — see permissive waste
 b. : destruction, ruin, or devastation caused by some disaster (as war, fire, or flood)
  < give edge unto the swords that make such waste — Shakespeare >
6. obsolete : consumption, use
 < have the expense and waste of his revenues — Shakespeare >
7. : waste pipe
8. archaic : overabundance, profusion
Synonyms: see refuse

- go to waste
II. verb
Etymology: Middle English wasten, from Old North French waster, from Latin vastare to lay waste, ravage, from vastus desolate, waste
transitive verb
1. : to lay waste : bring to ruin : devastate
 < shown how the Union preserved the States from wasting and destroying one another — Van Wyck Brooks >
2. : to cause to shrink in physical bulk or strength : cause to become consumed or weakened : emaciate, enfeeble
 < the emaciated and battered figure of that poet whom desire, disease, and prison wasted — F.J.Mather >
 a. : to wear away or impair gradually : diminish by constant loss : use up : consume
  < the broad gray summit is barren and desolate-looking … wasted by ages of gnawing storms — John Muir †1914 >
  < the aboriginal population had been wasted by the epidemics of the eighteenth century — W.C.Massey >
 b. archaic : spend, use
  < companions that do converse and waste the time together — Shakespeare >
 c. : to dispose of as waste
  < the dirty water is drained off from the top and wasted into a sewer — V.M.Ehlers & E.W.Steel >
 a. : to spend or use needlessly, carelessly, or without valuable result : consume or employ to no purpose : squander
  < waste money >
  < waste time >
  < waste effort >
  < waste sympathy >
 b. : to leave unrecognized or unappreciated
  < an actor wasted on an inattentive audience >
  < a pun wasted on his students >
  < full many a flower is born to blush unseen and waste its sweetness on the desert air — Thomas Gray >
 c. : to allow to be used inefficiently or become dissipated or lost
  < heat wasted in the process >
 d. : to let pass without taking advantage of
  < waste a golden opportunity >
5. obsolete : impoverish
 < have wasted myself out of my means — Shakespeare >
intransitive verb
 a. : to lose weight, strength, or vitality : become gradually feebler — often used with away
  < women and children … wasting away in the mills — V.L.Parrington >
 b. of a jockey : to exercise in order to lose weight
  < had little difficulty in making eight stone, but … took rides at 7 st. 4 lb. and under, and wasted hard to make it — Richard Lane >
 a. : to become diminished in bulk or substance : become worn away by degrees
  < still remaining, but gradually wasting from the surface rock on which they were carved — American Guide Series: Oregon >
 b. : to become consumed : become used up
  < allowed our natural riches to waste with startling rapidity — U.S. Code >
3. : elapse, pass
 < time wastes too fast — Laurence Sterne >
4. : to spend money or consume property extravagantly or improvidently
 < waste not, want not >
5. : to run off as waste
 < allowing water to waste when it reaches a certain elevation — Water & Sewage Control Engineering >
 < wastes back into the sea through short rivers — Roscoe Fleming >
 squander, dissipate, fritter, consume: waste implies ill-considered, or thoughtless expenditure, fruitless and sometimes prodigal, without fit return or valuable result
  < what a tremendous amount of energy is wasted in hauling, lifting, and spinning unnecessarily heavy masses of metal — Waldemar Kaempffert >
  < the windows were thickly frosted over, so that … art in dressing them was quite wasted — Arnold Bennett >
  squander applies to silly, reckless, profuse expenditure likely to impoverish
  < squanders in reckless gambling and debauchery — C.C.Walcutt >
  < squandering your early enthusiasm in futile attempt to excite the world about your ideas and your plans — W.J.Reilly >
  dissipate may suggest extravagant scattering or dispersion through indulgence or folly to the point of exhaustion
  < doubtless his great and varied mental powers were dissipated by desultory labors, and by his inability to concentrate on a single task — Merle Curti >
  < unable to weather the storms of Reconstruction, its endowment dissipated in worthless securities, the institution was closed — American Guide Series: North Carolina >
  fritter implies gradual dissipation of resources by piecemeal expenditure by bits, usually on foolish trifles
  < fritter away a fortune on petty vices >
  < the cathode was slowly frittered away, its substance becoming encrusted on the walls and other parts of the tube — K.K.Darrow >
  consume may refer to any wasteful devouring or destroying
  < tuberculosis that consumed her at the age of thirty-four — Harry Levin >
  < for some cities are desolated by ruin, others consumed by the sword — G.G.Coulton >
Synonym: see in addition ravage.

- waste one
- waste one's breath
III. adjective
Etymology: Middle English waste, wast, from Old North French wast — more at waste I
  (1) : wild and uninhabited : not supporting or incapable of supporting a living community : barren, desolate
   < waste places >
  (2) : arid, dismal, empty
   < the waste realms of nonexistence — L.P.Smith >
 b. : not used for pasture or crops : uncultivated, unproductive
  < a small piece of waste land which the farmers could readily spare — R.P.T.Coffin >
2. : being in a ruined or uncultivated condition : devastated
 < arrives at a large city, burnt and wastePubl's Mod. Lang. Association of American >
 < a bombing that laid waste the city >
 < for lack of manpower, large areas lie waste >
3. archaic : unoccupied, vacant
 < a large waste barn, which had survived the farmhouse to which it had once belonged — Sir Walter Scott >
4. [waste (I) ]
 a. : thrown away or aside as worthless, defective, or of no further use during or at the end of a process : refuse
  < waste water >
  < waste material >
 b. : allowed to escape unused
  < waste steam >
  < waste power >
 c. : excreted by an animal body
  < waste matter >
5. [waste (I) ] : serving to conduct or hold refuse material; specifically : carrying off, providing for, or regulating the outflow of superfluous water
 < a waste cock >
 < a waste drain >
 < a waste spout >
IV. transitive verb
: to kill or severely injure




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