单词 | by |
释义 | by I. 1. a. (1) < the tree by the fence > < a cottage by the sea > < sat by him on the train > (2) < kept the rabbit's foot by him day and night > b. < they commonly commanded both by sea and land — John & William Langhorne > 2. a. < the family drove to the farm by the old highway > < came from the garden by a path > < entered the house by the back door > (1) < went to Europe by water and returned by air > (2) < was cozened by the way and lost all my money — Shakespeare > b. (1) now dialect < am going by Grandma for a week > (2) < he came by the house for a few minutes yesterday > c. < sailed north by east > d. < we are not to stay together but to come by him where he stands — Shakespeare > e. < drove rapidly by the church > < went by him without saying a word > 3. a. < worked by day and studied by night > b. archaic < by the space of three years I ceased not to warn everyone — Acts 20:31 (Authorized Version) > c. < expected to arrive by two o'clock > < ought to be here by now > d. dialect England < seventeen minutes by noon > 4. a. < put to death by the sword > < a town taken by force > b. < put to death by the executioner > < ordered by the captain to stand guard > < a poem written by Keats > c. < represented by his deputy > < votes by proxy > d. < changes wrought by time > < eaten away by corrosion > < came to the right house by luck > e. (1) < had two sons by his first wife > < children by her second husband > (2) in animal breeding f. < blunders of foreign policy by which Austria declined … from a great and stable power to a satellite — Hugh Seton-Watson > g. — used as a function word to indicate something that forms an accompanying setting or condition < ate by candlelight > or that constitutes a manner < began by criticizing the style of the poem > often with an added sense of means < the case went by default > 5. < by heaven I'll know thy thoughts — Shakespeare > < swear by all that is holy > 6. a. < judged them by our customs > < he plays by the rules > b. < call him by whatever name you choose > c. < sold beef by the pound > < works by the hour > < workers paid by the piece > 7. a. < did his duty by his country > < did his best by his family > b. < a Kansan by birth > < a lawyer by profession > 8. a. < won the race by two yards > < missed the train by five minutes > < carried his ward by 80 votes > < lighter by six pounds > < better by far > b. now chiefly Scotland < was but as a fly by an eagle — Shakespeare > 9. — used as a function word to indicate a succession of units or groups of the same class < they left the party two by two > < the snow fell flake by flake > < count by 5s to 100 > < he succeeded little by little > 10. a. chiefly Scotland < few folks ken o' this place … there's just twa living by myself — Sir Walter Scott > b. now chiefly Scotland < my father was a man of by-ordinary mildness — Margaret Oliphant > 11. a. now chiefly Scotland < I could not deny him but was forced by myself to give — Samuel Pepys > b. obsolete < for I know nothing by myself — 1 Cor 4:4 (Authorized Version) > 12. a. — used as a function word in multiplication to connect multiplicand and multiplier < multiply 15 by 12 > b. — used as a function word to indicate two or more dimensions in measurements < a room 20 feet by 12 > — compare x IV 13. < it's O.K. by me > • - by oneself - by the bye II. 1. a. < they live close by > — often used in combination with a noun < others of the … by-sitters put various questions — Nathaniel Hawthorne > b. < he stopped by for a few minutes yesterday > 2. < the parade had gone by when I reached the corner > — often used in combination with a noun < each window has blinds to prevent the by-passers from looking in — Robert Southey > 3. a. < put her sewing by when he came in > b. < had laid enough by for his old age > 4. archaic 5. < in days gone by > III. or bye 1. < the mule preferred the high road to the by one — Robert Southey > < nothing can be more by and unfrequented — Samuel Richardson > — often used in combination with a noun < would slip into the next shop or by-passage to avoid them — John Dryden > 2. < the by effect may be unfavorable — William Paley > < too serious a work to be undertaken in a by way — John Ruskin > — often used in combination with a noun < the by-productions of a busy man — J.R.Lowell > 3. chiefly Scotland IV. or bye V. intransitive verb byed ; byed ; bying ; bys VI. VII. or bye < by now > |
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