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wa·ter·man \ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷mən\ noun (plural watermen) Etymology: Middle English, from water + man 1. : one that works or lives on or is skilled in the ways of water or watercraft: as a. : a boatman who plies for hire usually on inland waters or harbors b. : a person who makes his living from the water (as by fishing, crabbing, or oystering) c. : a sprite or demon inhabiting the water : merman d. : a person skilled in boating especially as a sport; often : oarsman 2. : one employed in connection with the distributing or supplying of water: as a. : a worker who releases water through valves or sluices (as in waterworks or for irrigation) b. : a worker who waters roads (as in a mine) c. Britain : an attendant (as on a cabstand) who supplies water to the horses d. : a worker who quenches coke with water for removal from the oven e. : a worker who brings billet molds to filling temperature by spraying with hot or cold water f. : an auto worker who puts water into radiators before cars are driven from the assembly line 3. : a worker who bales into cars water that has collected in a mine for hauling to the surface or who pumps such water to the surface |