

单词 position
释义 po·si·tion
I. \pəˈzishən, pōˈ-\ noun
Etymology: Middle French, from Latin position-, positio, from positus (past participle of ponere to put, place, from — assumed — Old Latin posinere, from po- away + sinere to lay, let, leave) + -ion-, -io -ion; akin to Latin post after — more at post-, site
1. : an act of placing or arranging: as
 a. : an act of laying down or stating a proposition or thesis : affirmation
 b. : an arranging in order (as of military forces or chess pieces)
 a. : a proposition or thesis laid down : assertion, statement
  < the proper response to the position that atomic secrets merit unique protection is not a denial but a series of questions — J.G.Palfrey >
 b. : the ground or point of view adopted with reference to a particular subject : mental attitude : way of thinking about or viewing something
  < took a radical position on the zoning issue >
  < took the position that the law must be enforced at all costs >
 c. : a market commitment (as in securities or commodities)
  < had heavy position in steels >
 also : the inventory of a market trader (as a security dealer)
3. : the point or area in space actually occupied by a physical object or into which it is placed: as
 a. : proper or natural location in relation to other items
  < the position of the heart >
  < put the lever in operating position >
  : stand
  < took their position at the end of the line >
 b. : an area or locality occupied by combat units especially in a defensive operation : a location (as of a battery) from which weapons are fired
 c. : geographical location
  < radioed the control tower for his position >
4. : arrangement or ordering of parts or aspects in relation to one another or to an external source of orientation: as
  (1) : bodily posture
   < crouched in a cramped position >
   < proper position is of the utmost importance in showing livestock >
  (2) : any of the postures of the feet and arms on which all steps and movements of classical ballet are based
   < the five positions of the feet >
  (3) : an arrangement of the parts of the body considered particularly desirable for some medical or surgical procedure
   < knee-chest position >
   < obstetrical position >
 b. : any of the arrangements of surfaces with the vertical in which the movement of a timepiece is adjusted to run
  (1) : the disposition of the notes or tones of a chord with reference to the lowest voice part, the uppermost voice part, or their nearness to each other in pitch
   < open or close position >
  (2) : one of the points on the fingerboard of a stringed instrument where the strings are stopped by the fingers to produce various pitches
  (3) : one of the seven definite degrees of extension of the trombone slide
5. : relative place, situation, or standing
 < man's position in nature >
 < the economic position of the city >
 a. : social or official rank or status
  < a humble man satisfied with his position >
 especially : elevated standing
  < a man of position >
  (1) : office, employment, vocation
   < took a position in the department of state >
   — often used to distinguish a superior or intellectual occupation from a job of labor
  (2) : the group of tasks and responsibilities making up the duties of an employee
   < the position can best be filled by a college-trained man >
   < this position involves both bookkeeping and typing >
 c. : a spot, situation, or condition that conveys some advantage (as against another)
  < maneuvering for position >
6. : the condition in Greek or Latin prosody of having a short vowel followed by two consonants or a double consonant (as x or z) making its syllable long
 < in vŏlvŭnt the syllables are long by position >
II. verb
(positioned ; positioned ; positioning \-sh(ə)niŋ\ ; positions)
transitive verb
: to put in a or the proper position : place, situate
 < positioned themselves to act at once >
intransitive verb
: to assume or maintain a position




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