单词 | weary |
释义 | wea·ry I. 1. a. < followed by troops of weary, dirty children — Irving Bacheller > < weary wings that rise and fall all day long — Edna S. V. Millay > b. < if another leftover is some weary noodles — R.P.Smith > < programs on television have degenerated into weary, predictable repetitions of each other — Edwin O'Connor > 2. < weary, disillusioned note of futility in our life — J.C.Powys > < a weary sound that was not a sigh nor a groan — Charles Dickens > 3. < councils grew weary of reiterating a demand which could not be enforced — R.W.Southern > < weary to death of this eight years profitless war — Harold Nicolson > 4. < effete, weary, burnt-out revolutionists — H.F.Mooney > < a world grown weary with fear — Robert Payne > 5. < ahead of them lay many weary miles of desert sand — G.F.Hudson > : tiresome, tedious < bacon, beans, and bread make a weary meal three times a day — Allan Seager > 6. Scot & dialect England a. : sickly, puny, weak b. II. III. intransitive verb 1. < tendency to weary of burdens — Dean Acheson > 2. < telling stories when they wearied of cards and games — A.B.Paterson > < people weary of old lies — Stuart Chase > 3. < paced up and down … wearying for the boat to get around — William Black > < wearying in spiritual wastes of sand and thorns — C.E.Montague > 4. transitive verb 1. < think out a solution without wearying the body by needless movement — James Hewitt > 2. < exceeds and wearies credibility — John Mason Brown > < anxieties that lined his forehead and wearied his mind — Lennox Robinson > — often used with out < paternal affection was not yet wearied out — T.B.Macaulay > Synonyms: see tire IV. Scotland < oh, weary on the wars — Sir Walter Scott > |
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