单词 | mystery |
释义 | mys·tery I. 1. a. obsolete b. c. usually capitalized (1) (2) mysteries plural (3) d. (1) (2) or mystery cult or mystery religion often capitalized M < the Eleusinian mysteries of the Greeks and the Mithras mysteries of Persia > 2. < the mystery of his disappearance has never been solved > < it's a mystery to me > < why are they making such a mystery of their troubles > as a. obsolete b. (1) < learned the mysteries of his trade as an apprentice > < baffled by the mysteries of his wife's toilette > — usually used in plural (2) c. archaic d. < the thrilling mysteries of childhood, so soon outgrown > e. or mystery story 3. obsolete 4. a. < the mysteries and beauties of nature > : the quality or state of defying solution or analysis < puzzled by the mystery of her sly glance > b. < despising mystery in their rulers > < wrapped in mystery as in a cloak > Synonyms: < this mystery of growth of life — Richard Jefferies > < the veil of mystery that shrouds human sleep — Webb Garrison > < the disappearance of the Erebus and Terror in the Arctic was one of the great mid-Victorian mysteries — Times Literary Supplement > problem, more commonplace in its suggestions, refers to any question calling for solution or answer or to any factor causing perplexity and concern < the problem of spontaneous generation — J.B.Conant > < with the shipping problem resolved by the allocation of ships to France — Current Biography > < the withdrawn child or adolescent is, in the long run, more likely to become a serious psychological problem than is the mildly aggressive child — Paul Woodring > puzzle applies to any problem notably baffling and challenging one's ingenuity or skill < there are few things in the world so difficult to explain as real change; it appears to me that most scientists are far from realising the complexity of this metaphysical puzzle — W.R.Inge > enigma applies to whatever is quite obscure or inscrutable and challenges one's ingenuity for an answer < he became an enigma. One side or the other of his nature was perfectly comprehensible; but both sides together were bewildering — Jack London > < just what his objectives are is an enigma, for he has been extremely adept in refusing to commit himself too far — Vance Johnson > riddle indicates a question or problem involving paradox or contradictions, often light, and usually proposed for solution as an indication of wit or intellect < I've got a brand-new riddle for you … what's the difference between a cat and a comma? … a comma's a pause at the end of a clause, and a cat's got claws at the end of its paws — J.W.Ellison b.1929 > conundrum may apply to punning riddles or to unsolvable problems inviting speculation < Octavius — he was not for nothing the scion of banking stock — looked beyond the political conundrum to the economic problems of the land — John Buchan > II. or mis·tery 1. archaic 2. archaic < fie upon him, he will discredit our mystery — Shakespeare > 3. or mystery play a. b. |
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