

单词 well
释义 well
I. \ˈwel\ noun
Etymology: Middle English welle, from Old English (northern & Midland dialect) welle; akin to Old High German wella wave, Old Norse vella boiling heat, Old English weallan to bubble, boil — more at well III
 a. : an issue of water from the earth : a spring rising to the surface of the earth and forming a pool or rivulet : a pool fed by a spring
  < the well flows in a pure and abundant stream from the granite rock — J.M.Jephson & L.A.Reeve >
 b. : a spring of water traditionally held to be of miraculous origin or to have supernatural healing or magical powers and often associated with a particular saint
  < St. Gulval's Well … was famous for its prophetic properties — W.C.Meller >
  (1) : mineral spring
  (2) wells plural : a place where mineral springs are located and where invalids often resort : watering place 3, spa — used chiefly in place names
   < Tunbridge Wells >
 d. chiefly Scotland : a fountain fed by a spring
  (1) : something resembling a spring (as in flowing or being used for drinking)
   < start the wells of plenty bubbling … with British gold — J.P.Fitzpatrick >
  (2) : an origin from which something springs or arises : a source of supply : fountain, wellspring
   < the wells of his loquacity were dried up — C.S.Forester >
   < the native well of English in our young — J.M.Barzun >
  (3) : a dangerous eddy : whirlpool — used especially of eddies near the northern coast of Scotland
2. : a pit or hole sunk (as by digging, boring, or drilling) into the earth to such a depth as to reach a supply of water, generally having a cylindrical form, and often walled with stone, bricks, or tubbing to prevent the earth from caving in
3. : a part of a boat or other craft resembling a well: as
 a. : a vertical enclosure in the middle of a ship's hold that reaches from the bottom to the lower deck and that contains and is designed to protect from damage and facilitate the inspection of the pumps — called also pump well
 b. : a compartment in the hold of a fishing boat that is tight at the sides but has holes in the bottom to let in water to keep fish alive
  (1) : a vertical passage into which a propeller may be drawn up or from which a periscope may be raised
  (2) : a hollow compartment recessed in an airplane wing or fuselage into which a unit (as a wing flap or landing gear wheel) retracts
 d. : an enclosure in a ship's bottom into which water drains and is then pumped out; especially : the space between two tanks or sections of the double bottom or between either and a bulkhead
 e. : a vertical passage in the bow of some old-style monitors in which the anchor is stowed
 f. : the part of the main deck between the raised forecastle and the poop of a well-decked ship
4. : a shaft or pit dug or bored in the earth: as
 a. : one used for the storage of ice
 b. : a shaft or excavation in the earth made in military mining from which run branches or galleries
 c. : a shaft or hole sunk to obtain oil, brine, or gas
  < an oil well >
  < salt wells >
 d. : relief well
  (1) : a pit or hole in the ground reaching to hardpan or bedrock
  (2) : a hollow cylinder of reinforced concrete, steel, timber, or masonry built in such a hole as a support for a bridge or building
 f. : a tile stack for drainage
5. : a part of a building or similar structure resembling a well: as
 a. : an open space extending vertically through floors of a structure (as a stairwell or elevator shaft)
  < a spiral stairway with an open well extending through three stories — American Guide Series: Maryland >
 b. : the space in an English law court set off immediately in front of the judge's bench and usually occupied by solicitors
 c. : an open shaft formed by surrounding walls and extending vertically through the floors of a structure to provide light and air to interior areas
 d. : the place in a lecture hall, legislative chamber, or similar large assembly room where the speaker is located and around which the seats rise in tiers or on a slope : the area between the rostrum or stage and the first row of seats : pit
6. : a heraldic bearing representing the part of the wall of a well aboveground
7. : a vessel or space having a construction or shape that suggests a well for water: as
 a. : a space or receptacle resembling a box located in the body of a vehicle and used for luggage
 b. : a deep drawer or hollow interior area used as a receptacle in a piece of furniture (as a desk or bureau)
  < pine cupboard … having hinged cover over a wellParke-Bernet Galleries Cat. >
  < a well with a compartmented interior >
 c. : the lower part of a furnace into which the molten metal runs
 d. : a small receptacle in a larger vessel or unit
  < the well in a jar of paste >
  < the well of a fountain pen >
  < this bent pipe had a bowl which retained the objectionable moisture in its wellIrish Digest >
  < lubricating oil wells located in a planer bed >
  — see inkwell
  (1) : an indentation or cavity in a surface
   < tree wells >
   < cellar window wells >
  (2) : one of the tiny depressed spots incised or etched in a gravure plate and holding the ink when the surface of the plate is wiped clean before a sheet is printed
  (3) : the dark center of a diamond cut too thick
 a. : something resembling a well in being damp, cool, deep, or dark
  < a great well of a cupboard >
  < make your room a cool well of dusk — Claudia Cassidy >
 b. : something resembling a well in constituting a deep vertical hole
  < the well in a glacier >
  < poked wells in the biscuit to hold the molasses — Eudora Welty >
  < a stove well >
 c. : something held to resemble a well in constituting a deep reservoir from which one may draw
  < a great well of friendship and respect for … the United States — R.M.Nixon >
  < the inner well of strength into which the peasant woman … must repeatedly dip — Lucy Crockett >
 a. : a pronounced minimum of a variable in physics
  < energy well >
  < potential well >
 b. : a region in which such minimum occurs
10. : stilling basin
11. : fountain I 4
12. : a small leather cup fixed to or suspended from an archer's belt to hold the tips of arrows thrust thereunder
II. verb, adjective
Etymology: Middle English welle, from welle, n.
1. : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a well
 < utilized the well principle in construction >
 < a well cover >
 < well rope >
 < well shape >
2. : used in connection with a well
 < a well sweep >
 < well drill >
3. : designed so as to have a part that is held to resemble a well
 < well railroad cars >
 < the well type of saddle >
 < well slides >
4. : having a wellhole
 < a well staircase >
 < well stairs >
III. verb
Etymology: Middle English wellen, from Old English (northern & Midland dialect) wellan to cause to well; akin to Middle High German wellen to cause to well, Old Norse vella; causative from the root of Old English weallan to bubble, boil, Old High German wallan, Old Norse vella to well over, boil, Latin volvere to roll — more at voluble
intransitive verb
1. : to rise to the surface in a copious stream and then usually flow forth
 < a clear small stream … welled from a rock hard by — G.P.R.James >
 < tears welled up in her eyes >
 < a spring … welled out of the rock into a stone basin — Willa Cather >
2. : to rise to the surface like a flood of liquid : spring up and often pour forth
 < anger welled in his stomach like bile — Hugh MacLennan >
— often used with up
 < great pity welled up from his generous heart — Rafael Sabatini >
 < an immense yearning for security welled up through the land — Oscar Handlin >
transitive verb
: to pour forth from the depths
 < some classic fountain … welled its pure waters in a sacred shade — Washington Irving >
IV. adverb
(bet·ter \ˈbed.ə(r), -etə-\ ; best \ˈbest\)
Etymology: Middle English wel, from Old English; akin to Old High German wela, wola well, Old Norse vel, Gothic waila well, Old English wyllan to wish — more at will
 a. : in a good or proper manner : in accordance with a high standard of morality : in a way that is morally good : justly, rightly
  < it is … doing well that entitles us to heaven — William Burkitt >
 b. : satisfactorily with respect to conduct or action
  < worked well under difficult conditions >
  < the inability … of these children to do well in advanced academic areas — J.B.Conant >
 a. : in a manner that constitutes good treatment or confers a benefit : considerately, generously, kindly
  < wished them well >
  < spoke well of your idea >
 b. : in a kindly or friendly manner : with friendly words : with favor or welcome
  < was well received at court >
  < her first novel was well received by the critics >
 a. : with skill or aptitude : in a skillful or expert manner : excellently, expertly
  < sing well >
  < paints well >
  < a wonderful story, well written and sensitive — Peter Blake >
 b. : satisfactorily
  < plan has worked well >
 c. : with good appearance or effect : elegantly
  < carried himself well >
4. : with careful or close attention : attentively
 < watch well what I do >
5. : to a high point or degree
 < they got on well together >
 < well deserved the honor >
 < she did not seem so well pleased >
 < the legendary lore which I love so well — Sir Walter Scott >
 < you will be well rewarded by a visit — Dana Burnet >
— often used in combination
 < a well-equipped kitchen >
 < well-populated areas >
6. : to the full degree or extent : fully, quite
 < well aware of the difficulties >
 < well worth the price >
 < well out of sight >
 < well past the appropriate age >
 < arrived before dinner had well begun >
 < well able to take care of himself >
 a. : in a way appropriate to the facts or circumstances : fittingly, properly, rightly
  < as the author well says >
  < a large box will answer the need almost equally well >
 b. : in a prudent manner : sensibly — used with do
  < reasonable people … will do well to demand better evidence — M.R.Cohen >
  < do well to examine the grounds for this adverse opinion — I.A.Richards >
8. : in accordance with the occasion or circumstances : as a natural result or consequence : with propriety or good reason : naturally, properly
 < I cannot well refuse >
 < this decision may well be questioned >
 < took pride, as well she might, in her hair — Samuel Richardson >
 < old residents … speak of it with considerable affection, as well they might — John De Meyer >
 a. : in such manner as is desirable or pleasing : as one could wish : without harm or accident : favorably, fortunately, happily, prosperously, successfully
  < everything went well that morning >
  < piano and violin do not mix too well even in chamber music — P.H.Lang >
 b. : with success from a material point of view : advantageously, properly
  < he married well >
  < he hadn't made a fortune … but he'd done fairly well — Frank Sargeson >
 a. : without trouble or difficulty : easily, readily
  < nor were the refugees such as a country can well spare — T.B.Macaulay >
  < appearing to know more of that abode of evil than she well could — H.S.Scott >
  < no transcript can well be found which does not differ from its prototype in some small points — F.H.A.Scrivener >
 b. : in all likelihood : indeed
  < a basic conflict that may well last for the balance of this century — J.B.Conant >
  < maintenance of the high level of expenditures … might well have a disastrous effect — D.W.Mitchell >
11. : in a state of prosperity, plenty, or comfort : in a prosperous or affluent manner
 < he lives well >
12. : in a thorough manner : in an extent approaching completeness
 < after being well dried with a sponge >
 a. : without doubt, uncertainty, or question : clearly, definitely
  < well remembered the stirring appeal >
  < well knew the penalty >
 b. : closely, familiarly, intimately
  < must know their own country wellLondon Calling >
 c. : in exact outlines : clearly, definitely
  < the tree stood out well against the horizon >
  < remembered well the incident he mentioned >
14. : with spirit and courage : bravely, gallantly
 < fought well against overwhelming odds >
15. : with equanimity or good nature : without resentment
 < reported that he took the disappointment well >
16. : to a considerable extent : more than a little : considerably, far
 < grows in hot, moist regions well into the temperate zone — G.S.Brady >
 < a population of well over a million people — L.D.Stamp >
 < well north of the island — George Bradshaw >
17. : enough, sufficiently — used in giving nautical commands (as concerning hoisting or lowering or bracing yards)

- as well
- as well as
V. \“, dial ˈwal\ interjection
Etymology: Middle English wel, from Old English, from wel, adverb
1. — used to express satisfaction with what has been said or done
 a. — used to express assent or resignation
 b. — used to express surprise and expostulation and often reduplicated
3. — used to indicate resumption of a thread of discourse or to introduce a remark
VI. \ˈwel\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English wel, from wel, adverb
 a. : being in good standing or estimation : being on good terms : being in favor
  < of great importance to us … to be well with the French government — H.J.Temple >
 b. archaic : being on terms of intimacy or familiarity
  < all our set were well with some fine woman or other — B.H.Malkin >
 c. : pleased or satisfied with oneself
  < being extremely well with himself — Agnes Bennett >
2. : being a cause for satisfaction or approval : satisfactory, pleasing
 < saw … that all was not well with him — Washington Irving >
 < all's well that ends well >
 a. : being in a state of affluence or prosperity : well-off
  < he must be very well in the world — B.H.Malkin >
  — see well-to-do
 b. : being in satisfactory condition or circumstances
  < he will not change while he is as well where he is >
4. : being in accordance with advantage : deserving to be recommended : advisable, desirable
 < it is not well to anger him >
 < it might be well for you to review the four basic steps — W.J.Reilly >
— sometimes used with as
 < if you stay … it is as well to bring plenty of provisions — G.W.Murray >
 a. : being in health : sound in body and mind : free of or recovered from sickness, infirmity, disease, or ailment : healthy
  < a well man >
  < he looks well >
  (1) : cured
   < the rheumatism … is now near quite well — Jonathan Swift >
  (2) : being in a good or sound condition
   < his health … is still pretty well — Oliver Goldsmith >
6. : pleasing or satisfactory in appearance
 < looked very well when he was dressed — Ellery Queen >
 < the polished floor looks well — Herbert Spencer >
7. archaic : good in quality or character
 < it is really very well for a novel — Jane Austen >
8. : being a cause for thankfulness : lucky and gratifying : fortunate
 < it is well that this has happened >
Synonyms: see healthy

- all very well
- very well
- well and good
VII. \ˈwel\ noun
(plural well)
: a well person : one sound in health — usually used collectively
 < prevent the well from becoming infected >
VIII. noun
Etymology: Middle English wel, from wel, adverb, well
obsolete : well-being
 < restore you to your wonted well — Edmund Spenser >
IX. noun
Etymology: well (IV)
chiefly Britain : well enough
 < when best to operate and when to leave well alone — Harvey Graham >
 < content to let well alone and to maintain … a defensive policy — C.E.Robinson >




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