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name I. \ˈnām\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English nama; akin to Old High German & Gothic namo name, Old Norse nafn, Latin nomen, Greek onyma, onoma, Sanskrit nāma 1. a. : a word or sound or a combination of words or sounds by which an individual or a class of individuals (as persons or things) is regularly known or designated : a distinctive and specific appellation < the name of the boy is Mark > < the name of this fruit is apple > < metal is the name of a class of substances each of which has an individual name (as gold, silver, lead, copper, iron) > — see legal name b. (1) : a word usually with little or no connotation that can serve as the subject of a sentence; also : the symbolic equivalent of such a word (2) : a designating or identifying expression < “the smallest prime” and “the proposition that all men are equal” may be construed as names > 2. usually capitalized : a symbol of divinity or an actual vehicle of divine attributes < the ascetics testify that this Name has in itself the power of the presence of God — Elizabeth Cram > < Name — may mean either character, or manifestations of Jehovah, or Jehovah himself — W.A.Shelton > 3. a. : a descriptive or qualifying appellation based on character, attributes, or acts < his name shall be called Wonderful — Isa 9:6 (Authorized Version) > b. : an unpleasant, vulgar, or offensive appellation often based on some attribute < it is wrong to call names > 4. a. : reputed character : good or bad reputation < had the name of a miser > b. : honorable reputation or illustrious fame < had a name for learning > < a name to conjure with > 5. a. : the designation of an individual regarded as his individuality or character < one of the most detested names in history > < polio and cancer are among the most dread names today > b. : individuals sharing a name : race, family, clan c. : a person or thing that is outstanding in importance, prominence, or interest < tried to get several names to give glamor to the party > 6. : the appellation of a thing in distinction to the reality : mere seeming < the place was a town in name only > < a poet in name but scarcely in production > < gradual attrition reduced it to an empty name > 7. : the mystic essence, character, or spiritual attribute of a person • - by name - to one's name II. transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English namen, from Old English namian, from nama, n. 1. : to give a distinctive name or appellation to : entitle, denominate, style, call < named the child after her grandmother > 2. : to mention or identify by name : utter or publish the name of < name one person who would do such a thing > < everyone named him with praise > as a. : to introduce (as oneself) by name < may I name these gentlemen > b. (1) : to mention the name of (a member of a legislative body) in formal reprimand — used of the speaker of the house (2) : to accuse by name < name the villain if you can > c. : to identify by naming < name that tree > : tell over the names of : recognize or recount by name < can name the books of the Bible in perfect order > 3. : to appoint specifically or by name : assign to some purpose : nominate < the king named his eldest son to succeed him > < let's name an early day for the wedding > 4. a. : to speak about : mention, stipulate, cite, state, quote < will he name a price > < refused to name the source of the story > b. : to bring up in conversation : indicate, suggest — usually used with an indefinite it as object < if you don't see what you want, name it > < I'll name it to him the next time we meet > Synonyms: see designate, mention III. adjective Etymology: name (I) 1. : bearing or intended for a name or names < leather name tag > < ornately painted name signs > 2. a. : named in honor or remembrance of another < name child > b. : being the person for whom another is named < name ancestor > 3. : giving its or the name to a collection or composition < the anthology opens with the name article > 4. : accorded top rank for preeminence in performance under a distinctive name recognized as a mark of celebrity < a name band > < a name writer > < a name train > 5. : bearing a name (as a trade name) accepted by a widely distributed public as the mark of approved or quality products supplied by a particular enterprise < insisting on name brands > < sales of name merchandise > |