单词 | native |
释义 | na·tive I. 1. < a native shrewdness and an ability to make the right decision by instinct — A.J.P.Taylor > < ambition and native aptitude — Bertrand Russell > < a certain native capacity is needed to meet academic requirements — W.K.Hicks > 2. < native artists left the state and studied … abroad — American Guide Series: Michigan > < a native Englishman > 3. archaic < the head is not more native to the heart … than is the throne of Denmark to thy father — Shakespeare > 4. a. < hailed in his native Sweden as an influential dramatist — William Peden > < returned to his native countryside — I.M.Price > < my foot is on my native heath — Sir Walter Scott > b. < native language > < native costume > 5. a. < think France and England … the native leaders of Europe — Janet Flanner > < if fiction chooses to abandon its native approach — Bernard DeVoto > — often used with following to < sitting there, as native to the stool as a cat — Jean Stafford > b. < the native sense of a word > 6. a. < whose paintings retained a native quality despite his close familiarity with the styles of European art — American Guide Series: Pennsylvania > < the Edinburgh groat … was the first native coin of Scotland — advt > < the first native use of the harp in Ireland — Richard Hayward > b. < your requirements are either native or nearby — Delaware > < a one-story structure of native stone — Seth King > c. < tobacco is native to the American continent — C.H.Thienes > < where tropical … plants will grow native — Marjory S. Douglas > < a native species > d. 7. < our feelings still native and entire, unsophisticated by pedantry — Edmund Burke > 8. archaic < that man should thus … abridge him of his just and native rights — William Cowper > 9. obsolete 10. < the way I must return to native dust — John Milton > 11. a. < native gold > < native sulfur > b. < native gypsum > < salt in the native state > < conversion of a native protein to a denatured protein > 12. a. < native societies > < a native worker > b. < the native Indian tribes of the American prairie > < native reserve > c. usually capitalized, Africa < the vast Native labor resources of the country — A.J.Bruwer > < the third Native woman to qualify as a doctor — Johannesburg Sunday Express > 13. chiefly Australia < native cat > < native robin > < native cherry > 14. Synonyms: < except for highly technical work, the company employs only native whites — American Guide Series: Louisiana > < 2,479 European and 37,032 native teachers — Americana Annual > < interest centers on our native roots, the American past that here is many strata deep — Bernard DeVoto > indigenous may apply to that which is not only native but which, insofar as can be known, has never been introduced, transported, or brought from another area into the locality in question < southern Rhodesia at present employs about half a million Africans, of whom half are indigenous and half are migrants from neighboring territories — Peter Scott > < the sugarcane, a plant indigenous to the island — Herman Melville > < no rich heritage of indigenous folk song — C.A. & Mary Beard > endemic may but does not necessarily add to indigenous the nation of being peculiar to a specific locality or sphere < the Russia of the czars was backward, poor, threatened by an endemic revolutionary crisis, tyrannical and inefficient in practically all aspects of its life — D.W.Brogan > < keen competition among universities in educational affairs and the pursuit of knowledge is necessary as a corrective to that complacency which is an endemic disease of academic groups — J.B.Conant > < malaria is endemic in 17 states of our own South and Southwest — Harper's > aboriginal is likely to apply to the primitive native belonging to the earliest extant race inhabiting an area < a primitive aboriginal race in the southeast of Sumatra — J.G.Frazer > < the squatters who staked off so-called government lands pushed the aboriginal inhabitants back into the mountains and deserts — American Guide Series: California > autochthonous (along with its variants) applies to that which either definitely or presumably had its eventual origin or emergence at the locality in question < autochthonous cases of malaria have never been reported from these islands — Biological Abstracts > < born in the West of Britain, a Welshman, into that tribe of autochthonous types who were living in the Island before the Danes, Romans, Angles, Saxons, Vikings, and other aggressors arrived — Henry Williamson > II. 1. < these lairds had also their natives and husbandmen for labor in feudal services — James Colville > 2. archaic a. b. 3. a. < the total numbers of natives and foreign-born persons — Population Census Methods > — often used with following of < a native of Hoboken, where he was born on March 26 — Current Biography > b. Australia 4. obsolete < the king (distrusting his natives) employed … many French foreigners — Thomas Fuller > 5. a. < a protest against the attitude of the white population toward the natives — Irish Digest > b. c. usually capitalized, Africa < Natives and Coloreds who live along this public road — Farmer's Weekly South Africa > — compare african II 1, afrikaner, asiatic II 2, cape colored, european II 2b 6. dialect Britain < when he came back to his native … he knew no one — Cornhill Magazine > 7. a. < give visitors — and the mere … native — a new aspect of a city — Irish Digest > < natives and old-time summer residents — New York Times > < the split between natives and refugees — Dolf Sternberger > b. 8. a. < improbable that corn could have been a native of the region — P.C.Mangelsdorf > < the Mexican bean bettle, a native of Central America — American Guide Series: New Jersey > b. Britain < eating natives until the man who opened them grew pale — Charles Dickens > 9. |
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