

单词 canteen
释义 can·teen
\(ˈ) kan.|tēn, -kaa-\ noun
Etymology: French cantine bottle case, canteen (the shop), from Italian cantina wine cellar, from canto corner, from Latin cantus iron ring round a carriage wheel — more at cant (angle)
 a. : a sutler's shop connected with a military post for supplying to enlisted men extra provisions, tobacco, or liquors
 b. : post exchange — formerly used as the official designation
 c. chiefly Britain : a restaurant or refreshment bar provided by an industrial or commercial concern for employees (as in an office building)
 d. : a place of refreshment and recreation maintained by civilians for servicemen
 e. : a temporary or mobile restaurant
  < canteens were set up in the flooded areas >
 a. : a partitioned chest or box for holding cutlery
 b. : a soldier's mess kit
3. : a flask typically cloth-jacketed for carrying water or other liquids (as by soldiers or campers)




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