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can·vass I. verb also can·vas \ˈkanvəs, -ˈaa-\ (-ed/-ing/-es) Etymology: canvas (I) transitive verb 1. obsolete : to toss in or as if in a canvas sheet by way of sport or punishment < I'll canvass thee between a pair of sheets — Shakespeare > 2. a. obsolete : to knock about : beat, trounce b. archaic : to lash with criticism or invective : castigate < the ribald style in which Martin Marprelate canvassed the bishops — E.K.Chambers > 3. a. : to examine in detail : subject to scrutiny or investigation; specifically : to examine (votes) officially for authenticity b. : discuss, debate < canvassed all the items on the agenda > 4. archaic : to strive after (as approval) < kings sometimes canvassed that title for themselves — Oliver Goldsmith > 5. a. : to go through (a district) or go to (persons) to solicit orders, subscriptions, or advertising b. : to cover (a district) or go to (persons) to solicit political support or to try to ascertain the probable vote before an election < the candidate is canvassing the farm belt this week > c. : to determine the opinions or sentiments of (as the members of a club or the staff of an institution) especially by informal questioning : poll < the faculty was canvassed on its preferences in teaching schedules > 6. chiefly Britain a. : to put forward (as a plan or an idea) b. : spread, circulate < canvassing rumors > intransitive verb 1. : debate, discuss 2. a. : to seek orders, contributions, support, subscriptions, or advertising : solicit < canvass for a newspaper > < canvass in behalf of a charity > b. : to solicit votes or seek political support in an election campaign < canvass for a seat in Parliament > II. noun (-es) 1. a. : a detailed examination especially by means of discussion or debate : full discussion < learned canvasses of the deep points of divinity — Joseph Hall > b. : a scrutiny especially of votes < a canvass of the election returns > 2. : the act or action of canvassing < a house-to-house canvass > as a. : the personal solicitation of votes b. : a survey to ascertain the probable vote before an election III. variant of canvas |