单词 | white |
释义 | Search result show the entry is found in: jackson white , or japanese white pine , or arizona white oak , or kremnitz white , or krems white , or large white , or lint-white , or little white heron , or asiatic white pine , or mean white , or mexican white pine , or middle white , or milk white , or mill white , or mineral white , or mountain white , or new zealand white pine , or northern white cedar , or northern white pine , or off-white , or bacillary white diarrhea , or oyster white , or paper white , or paper-white narcissus , or paris white , or pearl white , or permanent white , or pink-and-white shower , or poor white , or prairie white-fringed orchid , or baryta white , or bastard white oak , or bath white , or rhode island white , or rocky mountain white oak , or rocky mountain white pine , or satin white , or beltsville small white , or silver white , or skimmed-milk white , or small white , or snow-white , or southern white cedar , or spanish white , or spot white , or stewart white trout , or strontian white , or strontium white , or sublimed white lead , or swamp white cedar , or swamp white oak , or sweet white violet , or bismuth white , or tall white lettuce , or taylor-white process , or black and white , or black-and-white warbler , or black-and-white work , or tin-white , or titanium white , or blacky-white , or bleed white , or upland white aster , or u.s. army white , or valley white oak , or venetian white , or blue-white , or water-white , or water white oak , or wax white , or western white fir , or western white pine , or west highland white terrier , or in the white , or white adder's-mouth , or white adder's-tongue , or white admiral , or white agaric , or white alder , or white-alder family , or white alert , or white alkali , or white ant , or white-ant , or white antimony , or white apple , or white apple leafhopper , or white arsenic , or white ash , or white-ash , or white ash herb , or white asp , or white avens , or white bachelor's-button , or white-backed skunk , or white bacon , or white baker , or white ball , or white ballet , or white balsam , or white baneberry , or white bass , or white basswood , or white bay , or white bean , or white bear , or white bedstraw , or white beech , or white beet , or white-bellied nuthatch , or white-bellied seal , or white-bellied swallow , or white ben , or white bent , or white birch , or white bird's-eye , or white biskop , or white blast , or white blister , or white blood cell , or white-blooded , or white bombway , or white bone , or white book , or white box , or white brant , or white brass , or white bread , or white break , or white-breasted nuthatch , or white bronze , or white broom , or white brush , or white bryony , or white bud , or white buffalo , or white bur-sage , or white bush , or white buttercup , or white butterfly , or white buttonwood , or white cake , or white camas , or white campion , or white cankerroot , or white carp , or white cast iron , or white cat , or white cedar , or white cell , or white cement , or white chamomile , or white charlock , or white-cheeked goose , or white-cheeked pintail , or white cherry , or white chestnut oak , or white-chinned petrel , or white chip , or white chub , or white cinnamon , or white clematis , or white clergy , or white clintonia , or white cloud mountain fish , or white clover , or white coal , or white coat , or white cockle , or white cohosh , or white-collar , or white commissure , or white coolwort , or white copperas , or white coral , or white cornel , or white corpuscle , or white count , or white crab , or white crappie , or white-crested touraco , or white cricket , or white croaker , or white crop , or white-cross diatom , or white crow , or white-crowned pigeon , or white-crowned sparrow , or white curlew , or white currant , or white cutch , or white cypress , or white cypress pine , or white daisy , or white dammar , or white damp , or white dead nettle , or white deal , or white death shark , or white diarrhea , or white dock , or white dogwood , or white dutch clover , or white dwarf , or white-ear , or white eardrops , or white-eared hummingbird , or white earth , or white elephant , or white elm , or white ensign , or white-eye , or white-eyed coot , or white-eyed duck , or white-eyed tit , or white-eyed towhee , or white-eyed vireo , or white-eyelid monkey , or white-faced , or white-faced duck , or white-faced glossy ibis , or white-faced hornet , or white father , or white feather , or white fiber , or white fibrous tissue , or white fig , or white finch , or white fir , or white flag , or white flesher , or white flux , or white-footed mouse , or white fox , or white friar , or white fringe , or white-fringed beetle , or white fringed orchid , or white fringe fungus , or white fritillary , or white-fronted capuchin , or white-fronted goose , or white-fronted lemur , or white-fronted owl , or white frost , or white fungus , or white gall , or white game , or white gasoline , or white gentian , or white ginger , or white goat , or white gold , or white goldenrod , or white goods , or white goose , or white goosefoot , or white gourd melon , or white grama , or white granite , or white grass , or white grease , or white grouse , or white grub , or white grunt , or white guard , or white guillemot , or white gum , or white gyrfalcon , or white-haired , or white hake , or white-hard , or white harvest , or white hawk , or white-headed , or white-headed eagle , or white-headed fungus , or white-headed goose , or white-headed gull , or white-headed harpy , or white-headed stilt , or white-headed tern , or white-headed woodpecker , or white heart , or white-heart hickory , or white heat , or white heath aster , or white heel splitter , or white heifer disease , or white hellebore , or white heron , or white hickory , or white holland , or white holly , or white honeyflower , or white honeysuckle , or white hoolet , or white hope , or white horde , or white horehound , or white horse , or white horse nettle , or white-hot , or white house , or white hun , or white hunter , or white ibis , or white ice , or white indian , or white indian hemp , or white ipecac , or white iron , or white ironbark , or white iron pyrites , or white ironwood , or white jade , or white kalmuck , or white kite , or white label , or white lady , or white lady's-slipper , or white lake bass , or white land crab , or white lark , or white latten , or white lauan , or white laurel , or white lead , or white lead ore , or white leaf , or white leather , or white-leaved sage , or white leg , or white leghorn , or white lettuce , or white light , or white lightning , or white line , or white-line , or white-lined sphinx , or white linn , or white-lipped , or white-lipped peccary , or white-lipped snake , or white liquor , or white list , or white-list , or white-livered , or white liverwort , or white locoweed , or white locust , or white lotion , or white louse , or white lupine , or white mahogany , or white maire , or white mallow , or white mangrove , or white man's burden , or white-man's foot , or white mapau , or white maple , or white mariposa , or white-marked tussock moth , or white marlin , or white matter , or white meat , or white-meat tuna , or white melilot , or white merganser , or white metal , or white mica , or white miller , or white mineral oil , or white mineral primer , or white mint , or white mold , or white monk , or white moss , or white mountain apache , or white mountain ash , or white mountain butterfly , or white mouse , or white mulberry , or white mule , or white mullein , or white mullet , or white mundic , or white muscle disease , or white mustard , or white-necked raven , or white negro , or white night , or white noise , or white-nosed guenon , or white note , or white nun , or white nun orchid , or white oak , or white oakum , or white of egg , or white of the eye , or white oil , or white opal , or white out , or white owl , or white paper , or white pareira , or white partridge , or white pear , or white pelican , or white pepper , or white peppermint , or white perch , or white petroleum jelly , or white phosphorus , or white pickle , or white pigweed , or white pine , or white pine aphid , or white pine blister rust , or white pine resin , or white pine weevil , or white pitch , or white plague , or white plantain , or white pointer , or white pond lily , or white popinac , or white poplar , or white port , or white potato , or white prairie clover , or white precipitate , or white primary , or white puccoon , or white pudding , or white purslane , or white pyrite , or white quebracho , or white rainbow , or white rat , or white ratany , or white rattlesnake , or white rent , or white rhinoceros , or white ribbon , or white robin , or white robin snipe , or white rock , or white rot , or white-rumped sandpiper , or white-rumped shrike , or white russian , or white rust , or white sage , or white sale , or white salmon , or white sandbox , or white sanicle , or white sapota , or white sapphire , or white sauce , or white scale , or white scour , or white sea bass , or white senega , or white shad , or white shark , or white sheep , or white shellac , or white shirt , or white shrimp , or white-sided dolphin , or white-sided duck , or white silk-cotton tree , or white siris , or white sister , or white slave , or white slaver , or white slavery , or white smut , or white snail , or white snakeroot , or white snipe , or white snowbird , or white soapwort , or white sock , or white soft paraffin , or white sour , or white speck , or white spine , or white spirit , or white spot , or white spruce , or white squall , or white squill , or white staff , or white star , or white steenbras , or white-stem filaree , or white stem pine , or white stock , or white stone , or white stopper , or white stork , or white streak , or white stringybark , or white stuff , or white stumpnose , or white sturgeon , or white substance of schwann , or white sucker , or white sugar , or white sunday , or white supremacist , or white supremacy , or white surf fish , or white swallowwort , or white swamp gum , or white swamp honeysuckle , or white sweet clover , or white sycamore , or white-tailed deer , or white-tailed eagle , or white-tailed emerald , or white-tailed gnu , or white-tailed hawk , or white-tailed jackrabbit , or white-tailed kite , or white-tailed mongoose , or white-tailed ptarmigan , or white-tailed sea eagle , or white-tailed tropic bird , or white tamarind , or white tassel flower , or white tassels , or white tea tree , or white tern , or white thistle , or white thread , or white-throated sparrow , or white-throated thickhead , or white tie , or white tip , or white titi , or white-toothed shrew , or white-topped aster , or white trash , or white trefoil , or white trout , or white trumpet lily , or white vervain , or white vitriol , or white wagtail , or white walnut , or white water , or white-water , or white water crowfoot , or white water lily , or white wavey , or white wax , or white wax scale , or white way , or white weasel , or white whale , or white wheat , or white widgeon , or white wild indigo , or white willow , or white wine , or white-winged , or white-winged blackbird , or white-winged black tern , or white-winged chough , or white-winged crossbill , or white-winged dove , or white-winged junco , or white-winged scoter , or white witch , or white wolf , or white wood sorrel , or white work , or white worm , or white wreath aster , or white yam , or white yolk , or wisconsin white pine , or zinc white , or china white , or box white oak , or white amur , or white backlash , or white-bread , or white-coat hypertension , or white flight , or white hole , or white knight , or white-knuckle , or white room , or wolff-parkinson-white syndrome , or black-and-white , or white hat , or white lime , or basic carbonate white lead , or basic silicate white lead , or basic sulfate white lead , or black-and-white creeper , or cabbage white , or california white oak , or california white pine , or white aspen , or white bead , or white bent grass , or white bombe , or white bombwe , or white buffalo fish , or white cankerweed , or white catfish , or white cloud , or white dutch , or white fringed orchis , or white fungus disease , or white gas , or white gourd , or white ipecacuanha , or white lady-slipper , or white linden , or white loco , or white louse scale , or white pareira brava , or white petrolatum , or white sapote , or white staff officer , or white topped grass , or white verbena , or white-eyed pochard , or white-faced teal , or white-fringed weevil , or white-headed scale fungus , or white-knuckled , or white-nosed monkey , or white-pickle mosaic , or white-pine rust , or white-spine cucumber , or white-winged coot , or charlton white , or chester white , or chinese white , or colorado white balsam , or constant white , or cremnitz white , or crems white , or differential white count , or direct white 2GT , or amber white , or american white avens , or american white hellebore , or american white ipecac , or eastern white pine , or egg white , or egg-white injury , or english white , or european white birch , or fair white , or flake white , or garden white , or gloss white , or great white father , or great white heron , or great white shark , or great white trillium , or great white way , or antimony white , or idaho white pine , or indigo white , or infusible white precipitate |
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