释义 |
ne·ga·tion \nə̇ˈgāshən, nēˈ-, neˈ-\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French negation, from Latin negation-, negatio, from negatus (past participle of negare to say no, deny, from neg- no, not, akin to ne- not) + -ion-, -io -ion — more at no 1. a. : the action of negating : denial, contradiction < conformity is the very negation of the liberties enjoyed by a free society — New Republic > specifically : the operation of forming a negation b. : an instance of negating : a negative doctrine or statement or proposition or judgment; specifically : a statement that is true provided the unqualified original statement is false c. : a negating particle (as not) : negative 2. a. : something that is merely the absence of something actual : something without real existence of its own : nonentity < anarchy is not law but its negation — B.N.Cardozo > b. : something considered the opposite of something regarded as positive < black is the negation of all color > • ne·ga·tion·al \-shənəl, -shnəl\ adjective |