单词 | wide |
释义 | wide I. 1. a. < the whole wide world > < wide seas > < wide cottonfields > < a wide agricultural and dairying area — American Guide Series: Michigan > b. < large windows … commanded a wide sweep of the far ravine slopes — Victor Canning > < a painter of wide reputation > < wide publicity > < satisfy your widest ambition — William Osler > c. < city-wide > < nationwide > < a worldwide problem > < industry-wide bargaining > d. < a wide assortment > < wide experience > < insurance with wide coverage > < historical works addressed to a very wide public — G.M.Trevelyan > < far too wide a query to be dealt with — Guy Eden > e. < the utmost desire to be wide and impartial — John Galsworthy > < a statesman of wide views > f. < a national taste for wide trousers > 2. a. < 3 feet wide > < a mile-wide lake > < a trail one man wide > < piled in tiers 4 cans wide > b. < a wide road > < a wide arch > < the widest part of a river > < a horse with a wide muzzle > < brawny girls, wide as they were tall — Truman Capote > c. < wide nostrils > < stared with wide eyes > — often used postpositively < greeted him with arms wide > d. 3. a. < wide variations in ability among students > < the wide difference in their stations in life — T.B.Costain > b. < a wide drop in hog prices > < a need to provide for wider operating margins in a business > c. (1) archaic < thirty miles wide of the place appointed — Jonathan Swift > (2) archaic < examine whose notions are widest of the common road — George Berkeley > (3) < far wide of reality — Lucien Price > (4) obsolete < he was a little wide there — Elkanah Settle > (5) obsolete < still, still far wide — Shakespeare > (6) < a wide arrow > < pitched four wide balls > < a wide shot > — used often in the expression wide of the mark < nothing could be more ludicrously wide of the mark — F.R.Leavis > 4. of an animal ration 5. slang Britain a. b. < a good fellow so long as you watched out for yourself … a wide man — Robert Westerby > Synonyms: see broad II. 1. a. < wandered wide through many lands > — used often in the phrase far and wide < searched far and wide > b. < expanded the business country-wide within a few years > 2. a. < told to stand with legs wider apart > b. < shaking wide thy yellow hair — P.B.Shelley > c. < ran wide around left end for a 10-yard gain > 3. < opened her eyes wide > < spread the map wide > — often used as an intensive with open < a wide-open window > < the wide-open spaces > < a locomotive running with the throttle wide open > < left himself wide open to criticism > 4. a. < the bullet went wide > < drove wide of the green on the short sixth hole > b. chiefly dialect < lying … wide of all other forts — George Washington > III. or wide ball |
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