释义 |
never-never I. \| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷\ noun (-s) Etymology: short for never-never land, probably from reduplication of never + land 1. or never-never land also never-never country a. Australia : sparsely settled country in the northern and western part of Queensland b. : a remote or sparsely settled region : a barren or frontier area c. : an ideal or imaginary place or region < that never-never land of true romance and pure love — Rollene W. Saal > 2. : an illusory existence 3. [reduplication of never] Britain : a system of installment purchase II. adjective Etymology: never-never land : characterized by an imaginary, idealistic, or fantastic quality < the never-never rhetoric … which had to do with perfect justice and perfect harmony — Jane Kramer > |