

单词 wind
释义 Search result show the entry is found in: land wind , or leading wind , or level-wind , or mountain wind , or baffling wind , or bag of wind , or planetary wind , or quartering wind , or relative wind , or second wind , or sheet in the wind , or side wind , or side-wind , or slant of wind , or soldier's wind , or storm wind , or tack down wind , or tail wind , or take the wind out of one's sails , or thick wind , or trade wind , or true wind , or valley wind , or volcanic wind , or weight of wind , or wet wind , or between wind and water , or by the wind , or down the wind , or have in the wind , or have the wind of , or in the wind , or near the wind , or off the wind , or under the wind , or wind angle , or wind band , or wind beam , or wind-bell , or wind belt , or wind bill , or wind-borne , or wind box , or wind-brace , or wind bracing , or wind-broken , or wind catcher , or wind-chest , or wind chill , or wind cloud , or wind colic , or wind cone , or wind conveyor , or wind cripple , or wind direction , or wind drift , or wind egg , or wind engine , or wind erosion , or wind-fertilization , or wind-fertilized , or wind-force , or wind furnace , or wind gap , or wind gauge , or wind-grass , or wind guard , or wind-gun , or wind harp , or wind indicator , or wind instrument , or wind load , or wind machine , or wind mantle , or wind motor , or wind music , or wind-pollinated , or wind poppy , or wind power , or wind-puff , or wind pump , or wind resistance , or wind ripple , or wind-rode , or wind rose , or wind scale , or wind scoop , or wind scorpion , or wind shake , or wind-shaken , or wind sheet , or wind shelf , or wind-shift line , or wind-shock , or wind slash , or wind sock , or wind-splitter , or wind sprint , or wind stack , or wind stacker , or wind stop , or wind sucking , or wind-swift , or wind tee , or wind-throw , or wind thrush , or wind-trunk , or wind tunnel , or wind up , or wind valley , or wind vane , or wind-wing , or solar wind , or stellar wind , or wind down , or wind farm , or wind shear , or wind turbine , or break wind , or broken wind , or burn the wind , or burn-the-wind , or hold a good wind , or on a wind , or on the wind , or sheet to the wind , or straw in the wind , or wind sleeve , or wind-down , or cardinal wind , or catch the wind , or close to the wind , or fall wind , or fire wind , or fishtail wind , or gain the wind , or geostrophic wind , or get wind of , or gravity wind , or haul one's wind , or head wind , or hold a close wind , or hold the wind , or apparent wind




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更新时间:2025/3/28 1:46:34