

单词 wing
释义 wing
I. \ˈwiŋ\ noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English winge, wenge, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Danish & Swedish vinge wing, Old Norse vængr; akin to Old English wāwan to blow, Old High German wāhen, wāen, Old Swedish vīa, Gothic waian to blow, Sanskrit vāti it blows — more at wind
 a. : an organ of aerial flight : one of the movable feathered or membranous paired appendages by means of which an animal (as a bird, bat, or insect) is able to fly; also : such an appendage even though rudimentary if possessed by an animal belonging to a group characterized by the power of flight — see bat, bird III 2a, pterodactyl
 b. : any of various organic structures (as of the flying fish, flying frog, or flying lemur) providing means of limited flight
 c. : one of the broad thin anterior lobes of the foot of a pteropod
 d. : the shoulder of a hare or rabbit
2. : an appendage or part likened to a wing in shape, appearance, or position: as
 a. : a device (as for swimming) attached to the shoulders
 b. : a shoulder ornament or knot; especially : a projecting piece attached at the shoulder edge of a 17th century gown or doublet
  (1) : a vane of an arrow
  (2) : the part of a footing forming a side of the splice on an arrow
 d. : ala
  < the wing of the nose >
 especially : any of the four winglike processes of the sphenoid
 e. : a curving lock of hair
  < has two wings of pure white in her black hair — Frances Crane >
 f. : the arc-shaped piece on a pair of wing compasses or dividers that permits the legs to be fixed at a desired angle
 g. : the outside corner of the share of a moldboard plow
 h. : a turned-back or extended edge on an article of clothing — see wing collar
 i. : a sidepiece at the top of an armchair
 j. : a projecting part on one side of a fishnet or at the entry of a trap or corral
 k. : either of the parts of a double door or screen
  (1) : a foliaceous, membranous, or woody expansion on a plant (as along the sides of various stems and petioles, of samaras, or of some capsules)
  (2) : either of the two lateral petals of a papilionaceous flower
 m. : wing rail
 n. Britain : a curved fender for a vehicle; also : a projecting sidepiece of a dashboard or carriage top
 o. : either or any of two or more projections serving as guides (as on a check valve) or as stops (as on a gudgeon) to prevent turning in the socket
 a. : one of the vanes of a windmill
 b. : one of the floats of a waterwheel
 c. : sail
 d. : one of the airfoils that develop a major part of the lift which supports a heavier-than-air airplane
 a. : a means of flight or rapid progress
  < fear lent wings to inspiration — Time >
 b. : the special attribute of a divine messenger
  < know that wings have brushed us >
  or an angelic nature
  < seems almost to have sprouted wings lately >
 a. : the act or manner of flying : flight
  < dog required to … exhibit steadiness to wing and shot — W.F.Brown b.1903 >
  < crow makes wing to the rooky wood — Shakespeare >
 b. : strength of flight : ability to fly
 a. : arm; especially : a throwing or pitching arm
 b. : throwing ability
 a. : the part of the hold or orlop deck of a ship that is nearest the sides
 b. : the outboard ends of a ship's bridge
 c. : a platform or an overhanging portion of the deck of a ship projecting forward and abaft the paddle box of a side-wheel steamer and supporting the box and protecting the wheel
 d. : an addition at the end of a dam but not necessarily in line with it : wing wall
 e. : wing jam
8. : a side or outlying region or district
 < no stone in the whole of that wing of Pakistan suitable for … road metalling — D.G.Bridson >
9. : a part or feature of a building projecting from and subordinate to the main or central part; broadly : any section of a building
 < surgical wing of a hospital >
 a. : one of the pieces of scenery at the side of the stage
 b. wings plural : the area at the side of the stage out of sight
  < performers waiting in the wings for their cues >
 a. : a division of an army or fleet on either side of a main central body
 b. : either member of a body of troops that is divided into two parts
 c. : either side or outer extremity of a chess board
 d. : one of the positions or players on either side of a center position or of the central lengthwise line of the field, court, or rink in a team sport; especially : such a position or player on the forward line of a team
 a. : either of two opposing groups within an organization or society : faction
 b. : a section of an organized body (as a political party or legislative chamber) representing a group or faction holding distinct opinions or policies — compare left wing, right wing
13. : a unit of military airplanes:
 a. : a unit of an echelon of the United States Air Force higher than a group and lower than an air division composed of a headquarters and usually four groups
 b. : two or more squadrons of naval airplanes not carrier based
  < heavy attack wing >
  < patrol wing >
14. : a tap dance step characterized by a sideward slide and retrieve of one foot; also : a waltz step similarly executed

- on the wing
- on wings
- take wing
- under one's wing
[wing 1a: 1 coverts, 2 primaries, 3 secondaries]
II. verb
transitive verb
1. obsolete
 a. : to carve (a bird) for serving
 b. : to pluck the wings from (as an insect)
 a. : to fit with wings
  < sailcloth that winged the clipper ships — Women's Wear Daily >
 b. : to attach feathers to (an arrow) : fletch
  < he himself who had winged the arrow of his fate — C.S.Forester >
3. : to enable to fly or move swiftly : give speed to
 < fear winged his feet >
4. archaic : to supply with pieces or divisions at the side : flank
 a. : to wound in the wing : disable the wing of
  < wing a flying duck >
  : bring down by shooting
 b. : to hit or wound (as with a bullet) without killing
  < winged by a sniper >
6. : to pass through in flight : traverse with or as if with wings
 < the blue deep thou wingest — P.B.Shelley >
7. : to effect or achieve by flying
 < winging our way out to India — Dillon Sipley >
8. : to send off swiftly : let fly : dispatch
 < would start to wing punches — A.J.Liebling >
9. : to shift (weights) in a ship to near the sides in order to lengthen the period of roll — used usually with out
 < wing out ballast >
10. : to set (a sail) to catch a following wind — used with out
 < jibs are winged out by means of a whisker pole — G.W.Elder & Ernest Ratsey >
11. dialect : to brush or sweep with or as if with a wing
intransitive verb
1. : to go with or as if with wings : fly, sail
 < swallows winging southward >
 < watch the racing fleets wing up to the start — E.A.Weeks >
2. of a horse : to swing one or more of the legs out from the body
III. transitive verb
: to do or perform without preparation or guidelines : improvise — usually used in the phrase wing it




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