单词 | direction |
释义 | di·rec·tion I. 1. a. < the whole system of life had its culmination in the church; and parson and squire presided over its direction — C.E.Raven > < under whose direction this paper was written > < the doctrine that government should move forward toward direction of the economy > specifically < he was put in charge and given overall direction of the program > b. c. < the musicianly direction … helped illumine the score — Miles Kastendieck > d. 2. archaic < pray send me Grandmamma's direction. I must write to her — W.M.Thackeray > 3. a. < the senate had been voting according to direction for so long that they seemed to have lost the power of independent decision — Robert Graves > < he gave orders all round and men quickly obeyed — relieved at direction — Harris Downey > b. < a report prepared at the direction of the president > — often used in plural < the author's stage directions to actors and cameramen > < directions appear on the package > c. 4. obsolete 5. a. b. < the direction of a current is that toward which the water moves, which is the reverse of the way winds are named — G.W.Mixter > < follow the direction of the arrow > c. < from the tower sweeping views in all directions > < below the falls the river meanders in a southeasterly direction > d. < throwing grenades in the direction of the voices > e. < from what direction will the attack come > < protests poured in from all directions > also < the three authors attack the same subject from three different directions > f. g. 6. a. < the outbreak of war gave another direction to his activities > < the directions in which voters can express their will are limited > < with business expanding in all directions > b. < his latest title indicates the direction his historical studies have taken > < the existence of the censorship deters men … from essaying new directions in drama — A.B.Walkley > < it is because culture molds the specific direction and activities of the personality — Abram Kardiner > also < I had felt and written to him in the same general direction — O.W.Holmes †1935 > c. < the introduction of printing in Italy in 1462 gave a new direction to scholarship — R.A.Hall b. 1911 > < ideals are not meant to be reached; they merely indicate the direction of movement — Edward Sapir > < even those who do not accept the letter of his dogma are in accord with the direction taken by his thought — W.L.Sperry > also < his direction toward a life of asceticism and contemplation was already clear — W.P.Clancy > < there the boy began to give direction to the instinct for arranging nature that later was translated into a delightful profession — José Gómez-Sicre > < a deep uncertainty about goals and obligations pervades all classes and all levels of culture. Our society has lost direction — Walter Moberly > d. < the conspiracy gained momentum and direction — R.C.Doty > < slow to make up his mind what his direction as a writer ought to be > < stood about idly on the street corners without purpose or direction in their lives — Oscar Handlin > e. < cultivate the historical sense and a sense of direction, and read some good books on the history of law; at least, the law has direction — Caroline Slade > 7. < gains made in the direction of integration > < a significant step in the direction of cooperation between the executive and congress in treaty making — Vera M. Dean > < advocate of reforms particularly in the direction of equalizing the legal status of men and women — H.W.H.Knott > 8. < a few pencil portraits do exist which show that he had great talent in this direction — Herbert Read > < much of the literature (geographical, historical, and economic) on Czechoslovakia is biased in one direction or another — Geographical Journal > 9. archaic 10. 11. in equity practice 12. 13. II. < strangely directioned water — D.L.Morgan > |
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