

单词 directive
释义 di·rec·tive
I. \də̇ˈrektiv, -tēv also dīˈ- or -təv\ adjective
Etymology: Middle French & Medieval Latin; Middle French directif, from Medieval Latin directivus, from Latin directus (past participle of dirigere to direct, guide) + -ivus -ive — more at dress
1. : serving or qualified to lead, guide, or govern thought or action usually by prompting and impelling rather than by dominating
 < the directive power of conscience >
 < experimenting to find which is superior, the permissive or the directive method of teaching >
 < every manager who has at least one subordinate engages in the directive function — Harold Koontz & Cyril O'Donnell >
2. : serving to point direction
 < the directive power of a magnetized needle >
 < the directive function of a compass >
specifically : directional 1c
 < a more directive aerial >
3. : pointing the way : concentrating or focusing on an objective : selective as to tendency or trend
 < like the realities of the external environment they exercise a directive influence on the development of behavior patterns — Ralph Linton >
4. : of or relating to psychotherapy or counseling in which the counselor introduces information, content, or attitudes not previously expressed by the client
II. noun
1. : something that serves to direct, guide, and usually impel toward an action, attainment, or goal:
 a. : a pronouncement urging or banning some action or conduct : bidding
  < leaders became too fond of passing down directives to the members instead of calling for a vote >
 also : a sharp or peremptory word of command
  < “keep your head down!” … and a heavy hand on top of his head added persuasion to the directive — Helen Nielsen >
 b. : an assignment, instruction, or injunction by a superior
  < the verdict of the people in the recent election constituted a directive — B.C.Reece >
 c. : an advisory instruction or set of directions
  < progress has been hampered by inadequate coordination, lack of clear directivesEconomist >
  < dependent on the directives of the guidebook and the hotel porter >
 d. : an ideological, traditional, cultural, or moral influence or principle : exemplar
  < folk wisdom preserves many directives — L.J.Davidson >
  < they were not trained in a school of science which accepts Marxism-Leninism as the supreme directive — C.P.Fitzgerald >
 e. : a communication that initiates or governs action, conduct, or procedures
 f. : an authoritative instrument that promulgates a program or regulation or directs or prohibits certain acts and that is issued by a high-level official body or competent official as a broad policy statement to be developed by technicians or as an explicit instruction with details; usually : such an instrument of a national regime or international body especially of a head of a government or an administrative bureau whose decrees have the force of an executive order
  < a relatively new administrative device called the “directive” … was frequently used by the president and other high officials to explain, modify, or amplify an order — C.O.Johnson >
  < he issued a stream of directives that in their entirety imposed a far-reaching social revolution upon Japan — Allan Taylor >
  < directives which actually have the force of law — H.W.Sumners >
2. : directive mesentery




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