

单词 cast
释义 cast
I. \ˈkast, -aa(ə)-, -ai-, -ȧ-\ verb
(cast ; cast ; casting ; casts)
Etymology: Middle English casten, from Old Norse kasta; akin to Old Norse kös heap and perhaps to Latin gerere to bear, wage, cherish
transitive verb
  (1) : to cause to move by throwing : send forth by throwing : impel with force : throw
   < cast dice >
   < cast myself on my grass bed — W.H.Hudson †1922 >
  (2) : to throw out (a bait) by means of a fishing rod
   < cast a plug into the surf >
   : throw out (a net) : fish (an area) by casting
  (1) : direct
   < cast a glance >
   < cast her mind back in an effort to remember >
  (2) : to put forth
   < the fire casts a warm glow >
   : project or send forth especially in a particular direction
   < his words cast new light on the problem >
  (3) : to place or propel as if by throwing
   < cast another burden on the reader >
   < cast doubt upon their reliability >
   < the player cast a spell on the audience >
  (4) obsolete : to cause to enter or begin a state or activity
  (5) : to deposit (a ballot) formally or officially : give (a vote)
  (1) : to throw off or away (as something lost, outworn, or no longer wanted) : get rid of : discard
   < the horse cast a shoe >
   — often used with off, away, aside
   < cast off all restraint >
  (2) now dialect Britain : vomit
  (3) : to reject or dismiss as unfit or disqualified : cashier, cull
   < the state cannot with safety cast him — Shakespeare >
   — now used chiefly of farm animals
   < ewes were cast for age at five years >
  (4) Britain : to bring forth, bear, or drop prematurely : slink vt 1
   < an infected cow may cast its calf at the sixth month >
  (5) : shed, molt
   < cast feathers >
   < cast leaves >
  (6) of honeybees : to throw off (a swarm)
  (7) : to bring forth : bear, yield
  (1) : to throw to the ground : overthrow especially in wrestling : throw (an animal) down
   < the cow was cast and her legs tied >
  (2) : to defeat in a lawsuit
  (3) archaic : convict, condemn
   < she was cast to be hanged — Francis Jeffrey >
 e. now dialect Britain : to dig or shovel up (as earth or sod)
  < they were casting the peats >
 also : to form by digging or throwing up earth
  < cast a ditch >
  < cast a mound >
  (1) : to perform arithmetical operations on : compute or reckon (as accounts) : add
   < cast the page of entries in an account book >
   — often used with up
   < cast up a row of figures >
  (2) : to calculate by means of astrology
   < cast a person's horoscope >
  (3) archaic : to examine (urine) to diagnose disease
  (4) printing : to cast off
  (1) : contrive, devise, plan
   < cast a cheap way how they may be all destroyed — Francis Beaumont & John Fletcher >
  (2) archaic : decide, intend
   < we cast to dine there >
  (3) now dialect Britain : to meditate on : consider, ponder
   < cast no more doubts — Christopher Marlowe >
   — now often used with over
 a. : to dispose or arrange into parts or into a suitable order — devise
  < I shall cast what I have to say under two principal heads — Tatler >
 b. : to arrange or dispose (as elements or details in a painting)
  < cast the draperies in a graceful arrangement >
 c. : to assign (as a part in a play) to an actor
  < cast the leading part >
  : assign the parts of (a dramatic production) to actors
  < cast the play >
  : assign to a role or part
  < cast him as Othello >
  < the president and Congress have been cast for opposite parts — W.E.Binkley >
  (1) : to give a particular shape to (a substance) by pouring in liquid or plastic form into a mold and letting or causing to harden without pressure
   < cast steel >
   : form by this process
   < cast machine parts >
   < cast concrete pillars >
   < toys cast from plastic >
  (2) : to make a stereotype, electrotype, or other printing plate from (letterpress matter) : plate : make (as type, slugs, rules, stereotypes) by forcing hot metal into a matrix or mold
 b. : to give form to : arrange
  < the book is cast in the form of an autobiography >
  : establish or create in a particular form
  < those who were casting the new Protestant state of England and Scotland — Padraic Colum >
  : express, formulate
  < casting of morality in terms of economic gain — Abraham Edel >
5. : turn
 < cast the scale slightly >
: decide
 < cast the balance between the outward advantages and disadvantages — J.H.Newman >
6. : to make into a knot or stitch
 < cast a square knot >
 < cast a stitch >
7. : twist, warp
 < a beam cast by age >
8. : to cause (a dog or a pack) to make a cast : put (a dog) on the scent
intransitive verb
 a. : to throw or project something; specifically : to throw out a lure or bait with a fishing rod
 b. now dialect Britain : vomit
 c. dialect England : to bear fruit : yield
  < the wheat casts well >
 a. : to perform addition
  < cast and balance at a desk — Alfred Tennyson >
 b. obsolete : estimate, conjecture
  < cast beyond ourselves in our opinions — Shakespeare >
3. : warp
 < lumber casts >
4. : to make a cast — used of hunting dogs or trackers
5. of a boat : to turn the bow from the wind so as to bring it on the desired side (as when getting under way from a mooring) : veer
 a. : to undergo the process of shaping in a mold : take form in a mold
  < overheated metal may cast badly >
 b. printing : to produce a cast
  < the safety device will not permit a loose line of matrices to cast >
Synonyms: see discard, throw

- cast anchor
- cast in one's teeth
- cast loose
- cast lots
- cast one's lot with
- cast out nines
- cast the lead
- cast the withers
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English, from casten to cast
1. : an act or the action or process of casting
 a. : an act of casting a throw (as of a missile)
 b. : something that happens as a result of chance : a stroke of fortune : chance, fate, venture
  < his future depended on this cast >
 c. : a throw of dice
  < a seven on the first cast >
 also : the number of spots showing or counted in a single throw of dice
  < a cast of seven >
  (1) : a throw of a line (as a fishing line or lariat) or net (as a fishing net or butterfly net)
  (2) : a place for casting : a fishing place
   < a good cast near the bridge >
 a. : the form in which a thing is constructed
  < forcing argument to the cast of rhyme — Karl Shapiro >
  (1) : the set of actors assigned parts in a dramatic production
  (2) : a descriptive list of these parts
  (3) : the set of characters in a narrative
 c. : the arrangement or disposition of draperies in a painting
4. : the distance to which a thing can be thrown; specifically : the distance a bow can shoot
 a. : a turning of the eye in a particular direction : glance, look; also : expression
  < this freakish, elfish cast came into the child's eye — Nathaniel Hawthorne >
 b. : a twist or turn to one side; specifically : a slight strabismus
6. : something that is thrown or the quantity thrown: as
 a. : the number (as a couple) of hawks released by a falconer at one time
 b. : the number (as of herrings, crabs, or oysters) that can be thrown into a vessel at one time by hand : warp
 c. Britain : a length of silkworm gut or nylon used to connect a fish lure or fly to the line : leader
 d. : the quantity of metal cast at a single operation
 a. : something that is formed by casting in a mold or form: as
  (1) : a reproduction or copy (as of a work of art) in metal or plaster : casting
  (2) : a fossil reproduction of the external details of a natural object produced by infiltration of a mold of the object by water-borne minerals (as lime salts) — compare petrifaction
 b. : an impression taken from an object by covering its surface with a liquid or plastic substance that when hardened retains form and detail of the original and can serve as a mold for reproduction
 c. : a rigid dressing usually made from gauze or crinoline impregnated with plaster of paris or other material used for immobilizing a diseased, deformed, or broken part
8. : a forecast or conjecture concerning future events or conditions
 < to make a long cast ahead >
9. : the quality of elastic resilience in a bow that determines its ability to propel an arrow
 < improving the cast of a bow >
10. archaic : a specimen intended to show the quality of the whole : example
 < showing us a cast of his logic >
— used especially in the phrase a cast of one's office
 a. : an overspread of a color or modification of the appearance of a substance by a trace of some added hue : shade
  < the rock itself had a deep purplish cast — Willa Cather >
  < gray with a greenish cast >
 b. : a trace of a particular quality : tinge, suggestion
  < had a small cast of the coxcomb — Laurence Sterne >
  < a cast of bitterness in his words — Walter O'Meara >
 a. : a ride on one's way in a vehicle : lift
  < a wagoner gave him a cast as far as the town >
 b. Scotland : help, assistance
  < if we had the cast of a cart to bring it — Sir Walter Scott >
 a. : a physical form or character : shape, appearance
  < the delicate cast of his features >
 b. : characteristic quality
  < Russia, the culture of which has as definite a cast as that of France — Edward Sapir >
  : nature, character, bent
  < his mental habits … were always of a Quakerish cast — H.S.Canby >
  : type, kind
  < Madison, Washington, and others of that cast — J.C.Miller >
 c. : bent, complexion
  < cast of mind >
  < a mind of scientific cast >
14. : something that is thrown out or off, shed, or ejected: as
 a. of honeybees : an afterswarm, especially the first
 b. : the excrement of an earthworm
 c. : pellet 1e
 d. : a mass of plastic matter formed by effusion in cavities of certain usually diseased organs and subsequently discharged from the body — see renal cast
 e. : the skin of an insect
15. : the right to shoot first in an archery match given to the winner of the last shot — used with the
16. : the ranging over the field in search of a trail by a dog, hunting pack, or tracker
 < the setter made a wide cast >
III. adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin castus — more at caste
obsolete : chaste
variant of caste
V. \ˈkast, -aa(ə)-, -ai, -ȧ-\ adjective
Etymology: from past participle of cast (I)
of an animal : down or on its back and unable to get up




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