

单词 directorial
释义 di·rec·to·ri·al
\də̇|rek|tōrēəl, |dīˌr-, -tȯr-\ adjective
Etymology: Late Latin directorius + English -al — more at directory
1. : serving to direct : directive, directory
 < reading directorial books in preparation for citizenship >
 < how far the council shall go in exercising these directorial powers — J.E.Pate >
 a. : belonging to or having the function or qualities of a director
  < his earlier directorial assignments >
  < employed in a directorial position at a large automobile plant — Paul Moor >
 b. : adapted to or connected with the direction or directorship of dramatic or theatrical production
  < a new directorial genius >
  < richly fulfilling his high directorial promise >
  : characteristic of a skilled director
  < an ambitious melodrama bristling with fine directorial touches — Time >
3. [French, from Late Latin directorius (influenced in meaning by French Directoire, 18th century executive body) + French -al — more at directoire] : belonging to a directory or body of directors : done, constituted, or administered by a directory
 < during the period France was under directorial government >




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