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niggerhead \ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷\ noun 1. : a dark-colored mound or clump of vegetation (as a hummock of tundra or a tussock of sedge in a permafrost bog) found in far northern regions (as Alaska) 2. : a strong black chewing tobacco : negrohead 3. a. : a hard dark-colored nodule or boulder b. : a coral boulder broken off and thrown to the surface by wind and wave action (as on the Great Barrier reef) 4. : a large blackish smooth-shelled freshwater mussel (Quadrula ebena) used in button making and sometimes producing valuable pearls 5. a. (1) : any of various plants of the genus Rudbeckia (2) : a ribgrass (Plantago lanceolata) (3) : a wild peony (Paeonia brownii) of the western United States (4) : the common greenbrier (Smilax rotundifolia) of eastern No. America (5) : purple coneflower b. Australia (1) : the spiny head of a saltwort (2) : negrohead beech 6. a. : a drum on a windlass b. : bollard 7. Canada : scoter 8. a. : a small wire nail driven into the furniture of a form on a cylinder press to produce a black mark on the feed-gauge edge of the printed sheet as a guide for trimming and folding b. (1) : a mark made by a niggerhead (2) : a similar mark used as a collating mark |