释义 |
dis- I. prefix Etymology: Middle English dis-, des-, from Old French & Latin; Old French des-, dis-, from Latin dis-, literally, apart, to pieces; akin to Old English te- apart, to pieces, Old High German zi-, ze-, Gothic dis- apart, Greek dia through, Albanian tsh- apart, Latin duo two — more at two 1. a. : do the opposite of : reverse (a specified action) < disjoin > < disestablish > < disown > < disqualify > b. : deprive of (a specified character, quality, or rank) < disable > < disprince > : deprive of (a specified object) < disfrock > c. : exclude or expel from < disbar > < discastle > 2. : opposite of : contrary of : absence of < disunion > < disaffection > 3. : not < dishonest > < disloyal > 4. : completely < disannul > 5. [by folk etymology] : dys- < disfunction > < distrophy > II. prefix Etymology: Middle French, from Medieval Latin, alteration (influenced by Greek dis- twice, double, from dis twice) of Latin di-, from Greek — more at bis, twi- 1. : di- 1 2. : di- 2 < disazo > |